Now my GP2X just crashes on the green screen while booting. It also wobbles oddly, and graphical glitches are visible, despite the scratched-up screen protector it came with.
Tested, was working fine for a while, crashed. I think I toasted the batteries already. XD
Does it play full speed? There's only one game I really liked on the GB, and that was Motocross Madness. I think I'll install this when I get a pair of rechargables.
This one displays some text and crashes, with a wobbly screen. I was looking forward to Rock'n'Roll Racing and MK3.
dunno any games for this one, what are they like?
This one will definitly be worth a try, I really want to see how Dead Or Alive plays on it. I don't expect to be able to play it, but I want to see it anyway!
I can't think of any games I'd really like to play for it. All the ones I can think of also exist for the Genesis.
I've played the SDL Sopwith c.a.m.e.l. thing, had loads of fun with it. I then got Quake and finished the first level. When I was about to save the game I accidentally selected "New Game" and lost it all.
ps: I'm kidding about the scratched-up screen protector, I took the plastic thingy off and it looks fine. And the crash on boot is 99% likely to be because the batteries are now R.I.P.
[edit] How come when I type "c amel" (without the space) it becomes "moron"???