Howto make Minecraft playable on the GHZ Pandora


Hardcore Member
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Hi as you have seen in my last Youtube Minecraft Video..
..i got MC realy fair playable with the Open Pandora.

Here is now a Howto what i did and what you can do to make it playable on yours ;)

First a few Words:
My Videos are only as a Client on a Server,not standalone gaming MC on the Pandora.
You must log in onto a Server.
Big buildings slow ever down the Speed on your Pandora.
Setting the first Block is bit slow too but the others work fine then.
A free Server for Testing the Minecraft 1.9 is as example a free MC Server
For a free Server with 1.10 you must ask the Forum User @directive0 for hims Server Adress.

First the Preparing:
You will need:
- Ptitsebs Minecraft PND from here:
- the SGX 4.10 Driver from here:
-the original Minecraft Launcher Linux Version from here:
-a fast Fat32 formated SD Card for your Datas
-one around 200 MB Swapfile. You can use this PND for creating it and mount it:
-You will need a realy fast USB Wlan Dongle which work on the Pandora
- Optifine is realy important:
Here Optifine 1.9:
and here Optifine 1.10.2
-For speedup i recommend the 8x Texturepack OGZ Craft:[v3.0].zip
and for the 1.9:[v2.3].zip

btw: I played this with a Mouse connected on the USB OTG Port and not with the Nubs ;)

- my Configuration Files are in the Attachments of this Thread:
Now after copying all Files onto the right Folder the Steps:
-install SGX 4.10 Drivers
-activate the swap File
-acticate Wlan
-run and install the Minecraft Launcher and choose the Minecraft.jar from the Link above.
-The Launcher should be appear
-in the jvm Arguments delete all and set here

-Save and run first Time(maybe need up to 2 Minutes be patient)
-after seeing the MC Title Screen..just end it :)
-copy the options.txt to your appdata .minecraft Folder
- install Optifine and after your first start with Optifine just close it again
-after running Optifine..just overwrite the optionsof.txt with mine.
-install the OGZ 8x Lower Textures into the Appdata Folder again.
-run MC again and choose that OGZ Textures but warning...give the Pandora 2-3 Minutes Time to change all Textures
-choose Multiplayergame and add Server
-You will Spawn on a Mario64 Castle and when you go the Stairs up you can warp to "Freeworld"
-Enjoy playing

I tried many Settings but these where the Best for me.
Example VBO should speed UP but it does not.

Little Hints:
-Run @1.2 GHZ
-do not swap on the same SD Card where you play
-after spawning a new Level...give your Pandora 2 Minutes more Time for loading the Level.
-use a very fast USB Wlan Dongle or an USB Wired Network connection.
I had tried differrent Wlan Dongles and a RT73 Chipset work faster for me(ask not why i do not know)

And the last Hint... it from Mini Menu for a little Speedboost more.

The Video was made with Standard Sysspeed and 1.2 GHZ but you can feel free to overclock more when your Pandora can ;)

Its very later here for me and i go sleep now for today..good Night :)


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Thanks for the How To, i hope at Pyra, this want be neccesary to play Minecraft..
as you know, i only have a CC yet, so this will have to wait until in twoo months (tm)
Great work and really detailed instructions. I will try this on my 1GHz Pandy this weekend. Thank you for your efforts.
No Problem.
When you have Questions..feel free to post your Questions in this Thread because other People maybe have the Same Questions.
Tried to get it running last night using my already installed copy of Minecraft.

I installed the SGX driver and opened my Optifine setup and added the java argument but it said it couldn't load the class xmx350m. I will try again later.
Ok i corrected my first Post.
And added the Information that setting the first Block need bit loading Time too.
After that is setting Blocks no Problem.

And did you get it work good in the Forest too?
Okay so I reset the java argument, used your options files and it runs. Not a great improvement over my own tweaking so far. in the woods my gameplay dropped to ~2 fps. Will try on a server to see if theres any improvement.
I have maybe found a Solution for you.
You must use a Swapfile with maximum 200MB
Not 2GB.
Reason why is very simple:
The more Swap..the more will be swapped and not used in the real Ram.
You will have so much writing actions...that slow down the entire Game.
I recommend to use the Minimum and then the real Ram will be used more.
A to big Swapfile is very very bad in this Case.
I would recommend to try it with a 100 MB Swapfile..maybe its fine too.

To free more real Ram it please from Mini Menu.
Alright alright alright.

From Mini Menu, 200 MB swap, cpu 1.25Ghz, SGX drivers = 56 FPS max speed. It's real. I've seen it. Its incredibly short lived and only happens in an empty field but my god it's real. Wow. Congrats Ptitseb and Ingoreis. You guys have done something pretty incredible here. Now if you'll excuse me I have so trees to punch.