Looks great Stephane. I'm curious to see what direction you're going to take this.
One small remark. I noticed the window title
Cube Engine Test, please be aware that the name
Cube Engine is already in use.
lol, thanks.
but, my thought on the issue is "whatever"
its just what the window caption shows, the sub engine module that renders cube is actually called "cube world" internally as part of a bigger engine.
and yes I know "Cube World" is also the name of a game in development.
its self descriptive and they're both English words.
the whole engine isn't called cube engine or cube world, and even if I did call it "cube engine", you can't trademark "tomato juice", especially if what you're selling is tomato juice.
now, if this guy's engine was called "Kube Engine" then I wouldn't be allowed to call mine "Kube Engine" or even the sub-module.
by calling his engine "cube engine" he's using generic English words in a proper grammar with nothing odd or special about it, so he can have no trademark claims on it.
if he called it "Engine:Cube" or "Engine Cubed" then he WOULD be able to try to protect it as it is a non-ordinary English usage.
note that I'm not going to try and steal his engine name, nor cube world's game name.
if I was an /-\ hole and did try to seal it I probably would be able to because they just can't trademark usual words for their applicable domains.
"Apple" can use this word as trademark because they are NOT selling apples.
but don't worry, its just a descriptive name for my engine test so I can find the window in the task bar, having 4 windows just called "test" isn't convenient