Minecraft on the Pandora


Still Fresh
Oct 8, 2011
I am new here but have been following the Pandora for a while and have one pre-ordered :) and i was wondering would we ever be able to get minecraft on the Pandora seeing as there is apparently a pocket version coming to the xperia play(

https://www.youtube.com/embed/jO-y5wzmK4E?feature=oembed) even though im not sure on the specs of the xperia i definitely think there could be potential for a port
There are many things in the way of getting Minecraft on our Pandora let alone not knowing how well it will run. Best hope if Notch spends time porting it, but I see that as optimistic.

Until then, get your fix using Minetest, which yours truly has ported to the Pandora. :)
The Interface, and controlls of Minetest are just a mess imho, not really playable or user friendly and not adjusted in any way to the needs of the Pandora. So there is a long way to go to make it as enjoyable as Mobile Minecraft already is, not to mention the crashes, graphical Bugs and Performance Issues.
Maybe so, but it's a few steps closer to useful than minecraft for our pandora at this point. I've only done minimal changes because I've been trying to get Irrlicht to properly work with it. Once I'm satisfied there, interface and controls will be easier to handle. I'm no coding/GL genius, so I'm not sure I'd be able to work on performance, but that's why we have a community of smart people here.

If Minecraft does get ported with the same effort as what I've seen in minecraft pocket, all for the better, but I'm working with what's in our grasp.
^ shouldn't that be just </topic>? :P
Eh .. right :)

Anyway, the discussions here are already so fragmented, so some merger of topics would be much better than just have old subjects keep reappearing continuously.
^ The trouble is, then you'd have folks being confused by the bumping of an old topic that may contain very outdated information (you'd be amazed by how many people don't check the time and date stamps!). This has actually caused some quite nasty flamewars in times past, which is something better avoided.
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