Release Greyout

Excellent game. It is tricky the way you have to keep the black blocks away from the falling, bloody, serrated block!!

I love the audio!!

A real reflex and thinker game.

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Yeah, there's a level that I once passed relatively easily, in one go in fact, but now, strangely enough I can never seem to get past it. I've tried 100's of times, I swear! :blink:
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For some reason had forgotten to try this. Now I have. Excellent! Minimalistic, tricky, stylish...and mindtwisting. Need more levels!!! :-)
Hehe, thanks for the post, I am glad you like it.

I posted in the Development section as the game is still under development and not finished in my eyes.

It will get a "proper" release with more levels and goodies.

Also if you find any bug/strange thing you don't understand or feel like a level is too hard, unfair or hurting your feeling, please tell me (in the other thread SONY linked), I am always happy to consider new ideas and comments and it is a great way for me to see and fix errors (most levels seem to easy to me for example, so I cannot judge which ones are too hard).

foxblock out