Beta Greyout

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(who could this be?)

(these just look cool, but have you fallen down a chasm lately?)
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I'm also eagerly awaiting Greyout "the next generation"...

B-ZaR's Space Rocks! sounds interesting too...
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How's it coming along?
I contemplated quite a while about this
So, you probably have figured this out by now:
even though the experience was short
Greyout will be released as a new version soon
too short probably
It will contain many additional puzzles and better versions of the originals
I learned and grew a lot over it
Also a lot of other stuff, like composed music by Nick May
I think back every now and then
I will keep dropping obscure hints here and there, if you like riddles, keep looking for them
this time with a smile
The coming ones will be hidden different of course

Thanks for your interest in the game.
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Is that actual particles for rain!? :D
Yep, those are actual particles bouncing off the player and obstacles.

And the best part about this is, this system has been in the game from the beginning (particles when you die), so I did not even have to change or add much for this effect.
It's quite a nice effect! :) Is that just using the particle engine in Penjin or did you roll your own? :)
Thanks :)

I did roll my own, since I needed to feed the particles into the general collision detection routines.

It also meant I could simplify a few things, which give me a better performance (that are over 1000 particles, rendered at 60fps on an original Pandora).

(There is not much of a particle system so to speak, it's just a bunch of generic 1x1 pixel sized units being fed into a simplified version of the general map-unit collision routine)

Erm... what I meant to say way:

It's a totally awesome, overly complex system which improves your gaming experience by at least 110% by bringing you near-realistic-like visuals at an awesome performance with the true emotion of having spent all day on a video game.
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Welcome back! If you need help beta testing or early feedback, you can give me a holler :)

(Is it just me or have you been away for some time?)
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Welcome back! If you need help beta testing or early feedback, you can give me a holler :)

(Is it just me or have you been away for some time?)
Thanks, will do. But I really want to finish the game's content before I use any more of anybodies time (making sure I finish the project).

I have been around, just not posting much. My projects haven't gotten an update because I have not found the time to work on them, just recently I got a bit of work done.
Hey, thanks for the encouragement (I also read the posts mentioning Greyout in the Pyra Killer App discussion), it means a lot! :)

I am currently working on finishing my bachelors degree and will be doing so for the rest of the year. Sadly this means I don't have the time to work on anything besides that, including Greyout.

Expect some more updates in 2015 though!


EDIT: To add to that, some less vague infos about the actual state of development:

It has been coming along nicely. I have added so much stuff to the game and improved the existing ideas and technology, it basically is a Greyout 2 at this point.

A few levels are still missing and some overall polish, not much, but it has been like that for a long time (it's always harder to tie the loose ends together, than get started in the first place).

It will not be a random collection of levels, too, but tied in some kind of story (although I am certain not everybody will like that, you will have to judge for yourself I guess).

I hope to get some more original music by Nick May, but I really want to finish the game before I bother him about it, so I have not talked to him yet. (The few tracks he made for the demo are easily one of the best parts about the whole thing)
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