Gp2x Of Psp Welke Moet Ik Kopen....


Still Fresh
Oct 2, 2006

I will soon buy myself a gp2x or a psp, but i want to know a few things first...

1, snes emulation, on wich system does it run best?
2, the same as question 1 but then regarding the GBA

I would like to get an objective point of view, because i will be buying one of these only to play the good old snes games, en the good GBA games of today. I've read that the gp2x screen is better for snes and gba but will it be a huge factor? (like when reading screentekst off a good rpg).

(srry for the dutch in this post, i didn't realised i was posting in the english part of the board, and why the **** cant i edit the title...)
In dit forum wordt eigenlijk voornamelijk in het engels gesproken, zoals je wel zult hebben opgemerkt. Ik zou de link geven naar de nederlandse gp2x forum maar ben't vergeten...

Qua snelheid is zowel snes als gba beter op de psp, maar natuurlijk is de psp wel duurder en tevens erg onhandig om emulators op te gebruiken. (veel mee knoeien en hacks gebruiken, blablabla)

Maar wel, de refreshrate op de psp is niet echt geweldig (veel 'ghosting'), en de ps2x resolutie is inderdaad meer geschikt voor emulatie, maar dat is niet van zoveel belang.

Voor gba emulatie is de gp2x momenteel waardeloos (note: momenteel), maar iemand van de developers is daar aan bezig. Misschien zijn we wel eens speelbare gba emulatie.

In feite: PSP is momenteel sneller maar tevens erg onhandig om te gebruiken. (aangezien Sony probeert homebrew/emulatie te stoppen...)

Edit: Er zijn nog een paar andere nederlandstaligen op dit forum (ik denk Daid bijvoorbeeld), hopelijk kunnen zij een betere uitleg geven. :P
to the SNES one:
Thats tough. the PSP runs more games IE SuperFX chip and mode7. But from my experince the ones GP2X run do better. For example All Stars on PSP runs very poor from some reason, works 100% on GP2X.

GBA is hands down PSP. They release got a very good emulator (idk where it came from, hit us all from left field thats for sure) wich makes use of some bit of code that helps out great. And it does a proccess of removing Idle Loop Proccess (things that just take of CPU but do nothing) if you point out where they are.

Overall if I had to recomend one to you Id say the GP2X. I know the PSP sounds better now, but I think the PSP will end up hitting the roof before these are 100% and the GP2X will eventually have both there. Reason being is cause the PSP has a limited SDK (not official) but the GP2X is completely open source. So the only limits are the coders themselves.

Also, I would urge you to keep in mind the other emulators on Gp2X. the PSX for example is much better on the GP2X. Mega Drive is also pretty much perfect on GP2X on PSP its about like SNES is on GP2X. Not to mention the video player the GP2X offers (the PSP takes 30-45 minutes to encode a 30 minute video GP2X takes 6-8) And the PSP Scene is full of drama, case in point the PSX-P. This was suppose to be the begining of PSX on PSP. Turns out it was someone stealing an old Proof Of Concept and adding a menu selector and slapping his name on it. Not to mention if Flashed part of the NAND and caused other homebrew to quit working :(
But in theory the GP2x should do GBA perfectly as they use the same architecture no? Wasn't someone working on something like this?
Yeah, someone (forgot name and link) said it was possible to achieve fullspeed (or better) gba on the gp2x... We'll see what happens. :)
Draken posted on Oct 2 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
Yeah at someone (forgot name and link) said it was possible to achieve fullspeed (or better) gba on the gp2x... We'll see what happens. :)

I think the "movies" that are played on the gba games will be the biggest problem

But if someone archieves making a fullspeed gba emulator that runs near perfect, I will get rid of my gba/homebrew and flash carts
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PSyMastR posted on Oct 2 2006 at 07:47 PM said:
But in theory the GP2x should do GBA perfectly as they use the same architecture no? Wasn't someone working on something like this?
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gavie posted on Oct 2 2006 at 07:02 PM said:
Draken posted on Oct 2 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
Yeah at someone (forgot name and link) said it was possible to achieve fullspeed (or better) gba on the gp2x... We'll see what happens. :)

I think the "movies" that are played on the gba games will be the biggest problem

But if someone archieves making a fullspeed gba emulator that runs near perfect, I will get rid of my gba/homebrew and flash carts
How can you have better than full speed?
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winapa posted on Oct 2 2006 at 08:18 PM said:
gavie posted on Oct 2 2006 at 07:02 PM said:
Draken posted on Oct 2 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
Yeah at someone (forgot name and link) said it was possible to achieve fullspeed (or better) gba on the gp2x... We'll see what happens. :)

I think the "movies" that are played on the gba games will be the biggest problem

But if someone archieves making a fullspeed gba emulator that runs near perfect, I will get rid of my gba/homebrew and flash carts
How can you have better than full speed?
when its faster than the original hardware...

the progress of the emu can be followed here:
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Well, considering, that, par example, NES had games that were too slow on the actual hardware, and emulators could be set to emulate a more powerful, mhz-wise, NES, I could see the same beeing done with GBA. Instead on emulating 100% 16mhz GBA, emulate 100% 32mhz GBA.
PSyMastR posted on Oct 2 2006 at 05:47 PM said:
But in theory the GP2x should do GBA perfectly as they use the same architecture no? Wasn't someone working on something like this?

In theory maybe. The catch is someone has to work on it which they aren't. The PSP is more popular so there will be more coding on it.
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Jarska333 posted on Oct 2 2006 at 12:26 PM said:
Well, considering, that, par example, NES had games that were too slow on the actual hardware, and emulators could be set to emulate a more powerful, mhz-wise, NES, I could see the same beeing done with GBA. Instead on emulating 100% 16mhz GBA, emulate 100% 32mhz GBA.
Or you could underclock the GP2X's CPU and get better battery life if it runs 'faster than full speed' at 200 MHz.
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gaterooze posted on Oct 3 2006 at 09:27 PM said:
Those photos aren't to scale, Cervante.

yeah I know I did it in a few seconds, the main thing is I was trying to prove a point between homebrew & restricted
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That'd be a good GP2X ad if done with a real GP2X and a real PSP in-hand .. then you could photoshop them to be Red and Blue. Show a hand reaching toward the red one too, of course. Then a tagline like "Choose freedom." or something along those lines.