It's not a me!
don't think people should donate toward an emulator, for two reasons. One, it's illegal to make money off of an emulator, and thus could get the project shut down.
Not really true. If devs accept donations, then it is just that- a donation. Which means that you aren't really paying for it directly- they aren't making money off the emulator as such in any case. It's just a donation. You could be making it for any reason . In any case, it is not really illegal to be making money off an emulator any more than it is to make it off any other software (by being paid for it I mean, not talking bout malware like virus or whatever).
Two, the developer should be doing this for his hobby and for fun, not to make money.
er... why not?
Anyway, in many cases, devs don't charge for their games and emus. Most will accept voluntary donations, but there are few projects on GP32 by homebrew devs that have a mandatory payment. That's really cool of the devs to do that, but also there would often be plenty of justification to be charging most of the time, given the number of good quality projects there are! Just because you do it for fun, as a hobby, doesn't mean you shouldn't make money. If you're good enough at it, and there are people willing to pay, and you wish to sell... then that's perfectly fair