Gp2x Dev Donation Fund

Julius, thanks. So that's about $12.27 USD. :P

Current Pledge Total: $30.27.

We need about $150 - $160 more I think. Still need to get an exact total with shipping, paypal fee and dev discount figured in. But like I said, once we have about $200 in pledges I'll work out the final details with GP32Z.
DaveC posted on Sep 13 2005 at 01:42 PM said:
I remember Skeezix complaining about the poor screen of the FLU. I had a spare BLU around so I sold it to him at my cost. I figured that if he liked it better he would be more likely to update Castaway more. Plus I really didn't need the extra so I figured it would be win-win. Well after he got his BLU he actually updated Castaway LESS and eventually went to PSP, so much for that.

(Remember that complaining all the time issue I brought up the other day? ;)

Actually, you sold me a BLU (and thanks btw, its a _very nice unit_) for cash (not cheaply either).. there wasn't any conditions upon it. It just so happens I've got a PSP now. Damn me for getting a non-GP32 device ;) (Though I admit, I am ashamed of buying a Sony product, though it is pretty sleek.)

drawer and continued on doing GBA and DS stuff. Does Skeezix even want to do GP2X stuff or is he happy to stay with the more powerful PSP? Who will like it and be most likely to do something?

Again, I think I've personally posted to you 4 or 5 times that yes I'm interested in gp2x coding. This is why I keep wondering if you've got it in for me or others.. why do you keep spreading "FUD" and negativity? Or do you just keep forgetting this fact I've repeated over and over? :P I'm a really positive person, and this sort of thing bugs the heck out of me.

I have nothing to prove to you, and my history speaks for itself. I know you dont' intend to annoy me, but argh.. stop with the deliberately questing things to make them look worse. Really, this sort of behaviour makes me thing about staying clear, if all I'm goign to get is negativity :/

How many people created a fully scriptable cross platform game creation system, that he didn't need _at all_, solely to try and help Palm/Zodiac/GP32 people get along better and maybe make some games? Sadly, no one used Zot, but it was one of the msot ambitious projects around, and a larger work than pretty much anything else on the GP32 platform. Not to mention the dozens of works I've done over the years for a half dozen platform. (Do you have any idea how long it takes to write up a general purpose cross platform language interpreter that runs on cell phones, pdas, little consoles?)

I wasn't going to post in this thread, but heres my comments..

1) Donate if you've got some spare cash and like the cause; if folks get me a gp2x I will be much in their debt as right now the belts a little tighter than I like. If people don't donate, then eventually I'll likely get one anyway, down the road, when things sort out a bit.

2) You can't attach conditions -- "heres $10 if you get a full speed SNES emu" -- how does the emu get made without a unit? If a dev has a unit to do the dev, he doesn't need your $10 ;)

3) Devs and certainly myself are proud people; donate or not, its up to you, and theres no guilt or shame either way. I know I'm just as happy if you don't donate, and frankly, the idea of people donating to me makes me feel funny.. but on the other hand, it makes me feel proud that people value the things I've done in my time over the years. If you don't donate, thats cool -- not everyone has money, not everyone cares that much, etc etc.. I know I hate sending cash off into outer space for some loudmouth to have too :) But if you donate, thanks a bunch.

I am not against this, I am for it and will donate something if it will produce results. I just want to make sure it is handled with the most fairness as possible and that it will produce some results. That is why I had the blanket donation that would give discounts to all interested devs. If devs could all buy a GP2X for $100.00 that would make it very enticing plus make it fair for all. I guess the first step would be to mail all possible devs to who is interested. We could ask: would you get a GP2X and develop for it if a) it was free B) was available for a discount. c) I would get one to play but not dev. Something like that.

I must admit getting a free gp2x weould be cool as hell ;) But if people get together $100 or something, I'll kick in the rest.

But I agree -- I've been pushing for dev discounts for ages; thats what we get for Palm OS, for Pocket PC and other platforms; sure, a Sony SDK for PS1 cost a _bundle_, but thats because they're pricks ;) For a lot of platforms the company realizes devs are a rare asset, and so discounted uinits get slung around -- dev pays less, so hes happy.. company gets a developer, so they're happy. Really, in PDA-land its not uncommon for freebiues to go to top devs to entice them or reward them or just to get their input on new device features etc.. but GPH aren't a big company, and no one expects them to give away 1000 units to a pile of devs on the net.

So anyway, I had no intention of posting at all.. but I'm quite proud of my work and I can't let somethign go by which seems a slight (even thoguh I know DaveC doesn't mean it as such, though he does seem to keep spewing it out!)

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skeezix posted on Sep 13 2005 at 07:20 PM said:
Actually, you sold me a BLU (and thanks btw, its a _very nice unit_) for cash (not cheaply either).. there wasn't any conditions upon it. It just so happens I've got a PSP now. Damn me for getting a non-GP32 device ;) (Though I admit, I am ashamed of buying a Sony product, though it is pretty sleek.)


Sorry, and no there weren't any conditions on the BLU.

I have to admit though if I were to guess the last guy to get and develop for the PSP it would have been you. You were always so "for the little guy" and against big corporate pricks suck as Sony. But like you say the thing is just so damn sexy that the force is strong with the dark side, very hard to resist.

Anyway sorry again for getting to you, try not to let me bother you, just try to ignore me :)
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I try and do The Right Thing (everyone should be ethical; but as a programmer, like with eingeers and doctorsd and such.. I think you have to be careful. What if you write code that can crash a medical XRay and kill someone?). Sony used to be kocher, but they've started ot be bastards more and more often, so I've always said the last couple years I would limit my Sony-ness .. they screwed us PDA devs in numerous ways. Not ethical or amoral ways though, but just in business ways. They screw their customers with memsticks and DRM and such.. again, nothing amoral, but just lame stuff they shove down our throats. But in the end, I got greedy.. I got a _deal_ on a PSP (1/3rd off!) and that got it past the "you're pissing me off" part. If they'd done something amoral I wouldn't have been able to cross the line. And also, I wasn't over-thinking when the deal came up.. it was 'you want it, you gotta come over and get it now, I only have a few left' :)

I've only had a PSP for 2 weeks; cut me some slack ;)

Slack cut :)

Again sorry, try not to let me bother you even though it may be hard.

Have fun with it and hopefully we will gather up some donations for a new toy for you to play around with :)

I'd donate $20 (maybe more), but only if lots of other people club together as well. I don't plan to donate, unless there are lots of others that do so also.
i don't understand why you couldn't send less than 5 bucks, it's still a donation, and it will still help to get gp2xs for developers.It sounds a bit stupid, if you want my opinion.
$42.54 total pledges so far from 4 people.

$60.54 if Hanz is pledging. Are you?

Cahaz, if $5 is too much to ask, then I think you should maybe hold onto your money. I don't want anyone to miss a meal over this. ;)

DaveC, you in for a bit of $?
Thanks barnesy! 10 GBP = approx $18.23

Total pledges now: $60.77 from 5 people

($80.77 if Hanz is pledging $20.)
Prophet posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:52 PM said:
Thanks barnesy! 10 GBP = approx $18.23

Total pledges now: $60.77 from 5 people

($80.77 if Hanz is pledging $20.)
Are you gonna stop asking for pledges here if we reach the final amount?

Or will you carry on and add the excess amount to the fund for the next chosen developer?
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DaveC posted on Sep 13 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
This ia a good idea in practice but it can be unfair. Why? Well what about other devs? How about Reesy?, Franxis?, Foft?, Tuskenraider? They would feel left out if we just sent to only one, and who would decide?

Thanks DaveC for the mention (its rare!). I'm on the GBAX pre-order list to buy myself one already. Not too worried about the money side TBH so you can leave me off the donations. I'm quite a minor dev anyway - not got enough free time:-(

What I want is open system chip docs! I'm really upset with GPH for using a chip with docs only available under NDA for an "Open Source" system. ATM I'm not sure whether to cancel my pre-order or sign an NDA. Anyone got contact details for GPH dev rel? Of course after signing the NDA you are limited in what you release. Releasing optimised GPL ports to use both CPUs is out of the question for instance.

Anyway I said I'd stop whinging so...

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foft posted on Sep 13 2005 at 05:03 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 13 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
This ia a good idea in practice but it can be unfair. Why? Well what about other devs? How about Reesy?, Franxis?, Foft?, Tuskenraider? They would feel left out if we just sent to only one, and who would decide?

Thanks DaveC for the mention (its rare!). I'm on the GBAX pre-order list to buy myself one already. Not too worried about the money side TBH so you can leave me off the donations. I'm quite a minor dev anyway - not got enough free time:-(

What I want is open system chip docs! I'm really upset with GPH for using a chip with docs only available under NDA for an "Open Source" system. ATM I'm not sure whether to cancel my pre-order or sign an NDA. Anyone got contact details for GPH dev rel? Of course after signing the NDA you are limited in what you release. Releasing optimised GPL ports to use both CPUs is out of the question for instance.

Anyway I said I'd stop whinging so...


Naturally, day zero someone will start coding a wrapper lib for the 2nd CPU, without using SDL. This limits GPL folks to the functionality in the wrapper libs, but it at least gets folks around the limits of the NDA. (ie: shared lib wrapper, so only loosely couplped to the main apps.)

This is how I did it for Zodiac :/

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I don't know if somebody have yet a gp2x or a gp2x development system. Also i know nothing about the SDK.

Anarchy ( is negotiating with GPH to get some units for spanish developers (Chui, Karthur, Locke, Unai and me). But i don't know if he has been succesfull yet.

I will keep you informed.

foft posted on Sep 13 2005 at 09:03 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 13 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
This ia a good idea in practice but it can be unfair.  Why?  Well what about other devs?  How about Reesy?, Franxis?, Foft?, Tuskenraider?  They would feel left out if we just sent to only one, and who would decide?

Thanks DaveC for the mention (its rare!). I'm on the GBAX pre-order list to buy myself one already. Not too worried about the money side TBH so you can leave me off the donations. I'm quite a minor dev anyway - not got enough free time:-(


No dev is minor in my opinion. If you have made a worthwhile app then you are an important part of the community. There are some of us that really love to have an Atari 400/800 5200 emu. I use it alot and my friend who was an Atari comp nut in the day bought a GP32 BLU mainly to run your emu. Without your emu we would have a large hole in the GP32 emu lineup in my opinion. Sure everyone wants SNES, but then again every system capable of running SNES has it. Not every system has a good Atari 400 emu, so it is important.

I hope that you will still keep your order for the GP2X. Even if you don't use the second CPU your emu would run a bit better due to the bit of extra CPU speed. I think you had a FLU too. The GP2X is backlit so you will appreciate the greatly improved contrast that the backlight has. I know on my BLU the Atari emu looks great :) I hope you port your emu too otherwise my GP32 will stay in use.

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Prophet posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:44 PM said:
$42.54 total pledges so far from 4 people.

$60.54 if Hanz is pledging. Are you?

Cahaz, if $5 is too much to ask, then I think you should maybe hold onto your money. I don't want anyone to miss a meal over this. ;)

DaveC, you in for a bit of $?

Yeah I will give $20.00. It would have been $15 but since I got Jeff worked up :ph34r: I will give slightly more to make up for it :P

Also you can add me to your list. I too am too lazy to register at another forum :ph34r:
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