Gp2x Community Game Contest

PSyMastR posted on Aug 3 2006 at 10:53 PM said:
Yay. We got stickied! Many donations have come in. Im going to update the site tomorrow.
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Please don't get all antsy on us. I'm sure he has is personal reasons why it wasn't updated yesterday. He wasn't even online, so there's probably a good explanation for why he didn't update (not that he should have to explain it to anyone.)

As long as we keep our deadlines as stated, I think we're all safe.

As for an update on the contributions, the current balance is 262 euros. (261.97)

Dzz: 100 Euros
Wite Noiz: 50 Euros
Thos_Thorn: 10 Euros
Paulo Becker: 5 Euros

Important Notice: All our donators are totally awesome. You rock, donators!
Thanks for the update!

I didn't meant to be antsy, but I've seen projects like this vanish before, so when something isn't done when you say it will be done, I get paranoid :p
deadlychicken22 posted on Aug 6 2006 at 10:40 PM said:
I didn't meant to be antsy, but I've seen projects like this vanish before, so when something isn't done when you say it will be done, I get paranoid :p

Heh, don't worry. We've made a commitment by taking people's money, so we're not abandoning anything any time soon. If worse comes to worse, we'll ask someone to take over, but I hardly think that's going to happen.
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Also, I PMed Psymaster with this but he hasn't responded:

I would love to be a judge for this competition. However, if I manage to get my dev environment setup and make a game in time for this comp (unlikely as my dev environment isn't working at all and I don't have time or an artist) I would like to enter it. Is there a way that I could judge all of the games except my own? (that is, if I have entered a game).
If you had read the rules, you wouldn't need to ask that question. Judges cannot enter the competition. It was discussed in the discussion thread, and it was deemed too complicated to make sure the judging stays unbiased if we allowed judges to enter. We explored many options of how to make it fair, but no matter what we came up with, there was a way to get around it or there was something that made it unfair.

If you'd like to apply anyway, you could always just pull out of the judging panel if you see that you're getting your game made after all. Send an e-mail to the Gmail adress at the site with a sample review as shown on the site.

PS: Why didn't it occur to you to PM me, the maker of both the threads here about the competition, and also the original founder?
Magnulus posted on Aug 6 2006 at 09:59 PM said:
PS: Why didn't it occur to you to PM me, the maker of both the threads here about the competition, and also the original founder?
You're a newer member than psymaster. That was the only reason. I wasn't really thinking. I'll look into applying, Thanks.
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Magnulus posted on Aug 6 2006 at 10:59 PM said:
If you had read the rules, you wouldn't need to ask that question. Judges cannot enter the competition. It was discussed in the discussion thread, and it was deemed too complicated to make sure the judging stays unbiased if we allowed judges to enter. We explored many options of how to make it fair, but no matter what we came up with, there was a way to get around it or there was something that made it unfair.

If you'd like to apply anyway, you could always just pull out of the judging panel if you see that you're getting your game made after all. Send an e-mail to the Gmail adress at the site with a sample review as shown on the site.

PS: Why didn't it occur to you to PM me, the maker of both the threads here about the competition, and also the original founder?
Yes, we know who you are. There is no need to plug your identity or your position in your own thread...
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I'm sorry, did I so something to annoy you personally?
If you didn't understand what I meant with what I said, I must obviously have been unclear. I said it to put into perspective the choice of who he sent his PM to. If you were to ask a question about something in a thread, wouldn't you send the question to the creator of the thread?

Don't take anything I say as self-plugging. I never started this contest to get attention. I rarely ever do anything in order to get attention. I fuck up so often that I'd rather not have attention directly at me in the first place, so I try to avoid too much attention when I can.

I realise that my sudden burst of interest in this forum and community (I've posted much more than what's healthy. Sorry about that.) may look like some sort of attention-grabbing ploy, but I assure you it's not. It's just plain old forum addiction. ^_^

Please don't make any more assumptions regarding my character.
You will more often than not be completely wrong.
I see that everyone is having fun here lol :D , the current donation level is doing great.

I don't see why both Mr. Magnulus and Mr. Psymaster shouldn't take credit for doing such a great job regarding organization and maintenance of this contest. A job well done is just that, a job well done lol.
Magnulus posted on Aug 7 2006 at 07:41 AM said:
I'm sorry, did I so something to annoy you personally?
If you didn't understand what I meant with what I said, I must obviously have been unclear. I said it to put into perspective the choice of who he sent his PM to. If you were to ask a question about something in a thread, wouldn't you send the question to the creator of the thread?

Don't take anything I say as self-plugging. I never started this contest to get attention. I rarely ever do anything in order to get attention. I fuck up so often that I'd rather not have attention directly at me in the first place, so I try to avoid too much attention when I can.

I realise that my sudden burst of interest in this forum and community (I've posted much more than what's healthy. Sorry about that.) may look like some sort of attention-grabbing ploy, but I assure you it's not. It's just plain old forum addiction. ^_^

Please don't make any more assumptions regarding my character.
You will more often than not be completely wrong.
I pipssed off because one I had been up almost a long time straight and two I was pissed off that you were trying to put Nova down in a different thread. Good job for organising this competition.
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1: It shouldn't be my problem that you are up late.
2: I didn't try putting him down, I was putting my finger on a logical flaw.

Sorry if it seemed like I was trying to put anyone down. That was never my attention.
Jesus christ. I don't know if its because your native language is not English but you fucking nit pick more than me. I really don't like you that much at the moment. You are fucking plugging the fact that you are part of the competition in this thread. WE ALREADY KNOW FROM THE FIRST GOD DAMN POST.

I said it was because I was tired because I thought I would just drop the matter completely. But no. You have to try and make a comeback.
sam fisher posted on Aug 7 2006 at 04:30 AM said:
Actually it is for nothing like this. Usually its calling Rico corrupt.
Sam, although I have you on ignore, I decided to look at your posts here because I am interested in this contest.

Please stop posting unless you have something to say that others might conceivably be interested in reading. If you are unable to make that judgment, just cut down your number of posts by 90%.
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to .7 posts a day. I'm sorry. My posts are in integers only. It would be rounded up to 1. No, I was just defending myself from his accusation. Hi impied that my inabbility to let anything go got me banned. It was infact me calling rico corrupt.