Certified Guru
GMenu2X 0.8.1 released, it contains only bug fixes. Download it now on the homepage!
GMenu2X 0.8 has been released!
You can get it at the official homepage
This version comes with links for firmware 2.1.x
Here's the big changes:
GMenu2X now supports application manuals visualization.
The manuals will be automatically detected when creating a new link or when using the scanner.
When a manual is present for the selected application, there will be a flashing information icon (i). If you press the Y button it will be displayed.
There are 3 kind of manuals supported:
1. Graphic manuals, just like discussed in this topic.
A 20px bar is drawn at the bottom of the screen to display navigation instructions.
There is no limit to the number of pages (except for the dimension of the image the gp2x/sdl can handle) and manuals width should be a multiple of 320px
Pages can use alpha-transparency, they are drawn on top of the menu background.
To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.png"
2. Text manuals.
This is a manual written in simple text with a special syntax to define multiple pages.
Define a page by writing it's title in square brackets and the text under it.
No limit for the number of the pages.
To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.txt"
3. Readmes.
GMenu2X will simply display the text of normal readmes
To be recognized the name must contain the word "readme" and the extension must be ".txt"
Output Logs
Enable the output logs in the GMenu2X options and the output of the applications launched by GMenu2X will be logged to a text file. There's also a log viewer.
Logging applications that have a lot of output may slowdown the execution.
Also note that if the application is not being wrapped by GMenu2X (if the application relaunches the menu by itself), the output of GMenu2X will be logged as well...
Volume controls
GMenu2X can set the volume of the gp2x mixer before launching an application. This will only work with applications that don't reset the volume at the start.
It is particularly useful for applications that don't provide volume controls.
A+VolUp: Increase link's volume
A+VolDown: Decrease link's volume
A+VolUp+VolDown: Reset link's volume
Improved selector
If you enable the selector browser in the link's options, the selector will be able to change directory so that it will not be limited to it's starting directory.
Update info
As always links created from previous versions of GMenu2X are still compatible.
You don't need to delete gmenu2x.conf as well.
If you want to update only the necessary files heres what you should replace/add in the folder gmenu2x/ :
- gmenu2x
- imgs/manual_indicator.png
- imgs/volume.png
- icons/about.png
- icons/explorer.png
- scripts/usbon.sh
- sections/applications/*
- sections/settings/system
- sections/settings/originalsettings
You should remove the following files:
- sections/settings/usbon
- sections/settings/usboff
You can remove if you don't need them
- scripts/bash.sh
- icons/bash.png
- sections/settings/bash
In most cases you can simply copy gmenu2x.conf and the sections/games/* content into a new installation.[/cut]
GMenu2X 0.8.1 released, it contains only bug fixes. Download it now on the homepage!
GMenu2X 0.8 has been released!
You can get it at the official homepage
This version comes with links for firmware 2.1.x
Here's the big changes:
GMenu2X now supports application manuals visualization.
The manuals will be automatically detected when creating a new link or when using the scanner.
When a manual is present for the selected application, there will be a flashing information icon (i). If you press the Y button it will be displayed.
There are 3 kind of manuals supported:
1. Graphic manuals, just like discussed in this topic.
A 20px bar is drawn at the bottom of the screen to display navigation instructions.
There is no limit to the number of pages (except for the dimension of the image the gp2x/sdl can handle) and manuals width should be a multiple of 320px
Pages can use alpha-transparency, they are drawn on top of the menu background.
To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.png"
2. Text manuals.
This is a manual written in simple text with a special syntax to define multiple pages.
Define a page by writing it's title in square brackets and the text under it.
No limit for the number of the pages.
To be recognized the name must be "nameofgpe.man.txt"
Introductive text
A = Attack
B = Jump
Developed by....
Thanks to...
Released under GPL
3. Readmes.
GMenu2X will simply display the text of normal readmes
To be recognized the name must contain the word "readme" and the extension must be ".txt"
Output Logs
Enable the output logs in the GMenu2X options and the output of the applications launched by GMenu2X will be logged to a text file. There's also a log viewer.
Logging applications that have a lot of output may slowdown the execution.
Also note that if the application is not being wrapped by GMenu2X (if the application relaunches the menu by itself), the output of GMenu2X will be logged as well...
Volume controls
GMenu2X can set the volume of the gp2x mixer before launching an application. This will only work with applications that don't reset the volume at the start.
It is particularly useful for applications that don't provide volume controls.
A+VolUp: Increase link's volume
A+VolDown: Decrease link's volume
A+VolUp+VolDown: Reset link's volume
Improved selector
If you enable the selector browser in the link's options, the selector will be able to change directory so that it will not be limited to it's starting directory.
Added support for game manuals (.man.png, .man.txt or readmes)
Implemented link's output logs with a log viewer (Disabled by default)
Implemented a simple text reader used in various situations
Implemented volume control (per-link and globally)
Added some confirmation dialogs
Changed cancel button from A to X
Added link to mount nand on usb with a dialog notification if usb is used for networking
Implemented virtual links (gmenu2x settings, usb, log viewer, about)
Added messageboxes
Added links for firmware 2.1.x
Directories browseable from selector
Added a blending effect to selector screenshots.
Updated the README with basic instructions (website is still recommended)
Fixed some minor bugs.
Update info
As always links created from previous versions of GMenu2X are still compatible.
You don't need to delete gmenu2x.conf as well.
If you want to update only the necessary files heres what you should replace/add in the folder gmenu2x/ :
- gmenu2x
- imgs/manual_indicator.png
- imgs/volume.png
- icons/about.png
- icons/explorer.png
- scripts/usbon.sh
- sections/applications/*
- sections/settings/system
- sections/settings/originalsettings
You should remove the following files:
- sections/settings/usbon
- sections/settings/usboff
You can remove if you don't need them
- scripts/bash.sh
- icons/bash.png
- sections/settings/bash
In most cases you can simply copy gmenu2x.conf and the sections/games/* content into a new installation.[/cut]