I tried to look through temper but it didn't seem to use any parameters. Blue Protoman, can you add this line right after #!/bin/sh to the gp2xmenu.script and then reinstall?
echo $@ >> /mnt/sd/log.txt 2>&1
It will create a log file on the root of your sd card with a new line for every call to the menu. If any program calls the menu with a parameter, the parameter will be added as a line in log.txt. Then you can tell me if anything appears in the logfile after quitting temper.
The log is appended all the time, so remove the line and reinstall after you are done
I've just got my wiz a day or two ago, was interested in this script as i like the gmenu2x. Tried runnign the script from the nand with gmenu on the nand, didnt boot gmenu at all just the wiz one. Uninstalled script. Tried running script from nand with gmenu on the sd card, this worked (although system was alot slower) until I ran pocketsnes, when I exited my wiz froze. Turned off and on and now it sits on the loading screen. Will have to flash
Don't know if this is a bug or if im doing something wrong. Ideally i'd like to have gmenu run as my default frontend with no wiz menu. Don't think this is happening any time soon
Thanks for the script though I tried!
EDIT: Tried a firmware flash and clean copy of gmenu on sd card and installed the script. Turned my wiz off and on and it just gets stuck on the "now loading" page again. Something isn't right but i'd love for this to work I dont want to go back to win2x :/ reo, does it work for you and did you have to change any of the script?