Gizmondo Emulation Possible?


NO! I don't play basketball
Jul 16, 2008
The games available for the system are few but it does have a (demo) port of Carmageddon :D

Samsung s3c2440 at 400mhz
nVidia GeForce 3D 4500 128-bit 3D Graphics accelerator, maximum of 65,536 colors
64MB Ram

So, what do you think, is it possible for the Pandora to emulate the Gizmondo? maybe with something similar to Ginge?

Ginge Is Not Gizmondo Emulator :P
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Gizmondo is WinCE powered, not linux unfortunately...

And the nvidia chip is certainly much harder to emulate than the parts of the GP2X SOC Ginge emulate...

Anyway, it's not like there was many good games on gizmondo, except Colors, almost every other games can be found on other platform (Chicane is out on iPhone under another name).
indask8 said:
Gizmondo is WinCE powered, not linux unfortunately...

And the nvidia chip is certainly much harder to emulate than the parts of the GP2X SOC Ginge emulate...

Anyway, it's not like there was many good games on gizmondo, except Colors, almost every other games can be found on other platform (Chicane is out on iPhone under another name).
As long as the nvidia chip is OpenGL ES compliant, I don't think it will be much of a problem. Carmaggedon would be nice to have (specially now that the wine+qemu port is looking bad) and the Fathammer ones where fun as well, but they too where available as java versions for phones, not looking as good, but fun enough.

However, the WinCE roadblock is perhaps the showstopper, and considering the small list of games I doubt it will be worth it to undertake such emulator.
It would be easier to obtain the OS binaries and just make drivers, but it also would be illegal to distribute them.
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Can't see this being possible, there's not even a PC emulator to base one on, plus the nvidia chip probably isnt well documented enough, and as someone said like a few other handhelds that flopped there isnt enough exclusive material to warrant a Gizmondo emulator, even i know that! Not slating it though, as on its own and for the price you can pick one up on ebay for its worth it, what with 20 full games along with demos and emulators, wince games to download that can run on it, it has enough going for it for the budget player, collector...but other than that but its best left that way:)
Would I want a Gizmondo emulator? Yeah sure, why not! I'm not gonna shoot down that idea.

On the other hand, I own a Gizmondo. None of the games I tried were much cop (even the unreleased stuff like Colors).

So it goes on the heap of systems that would be cool to have, but probably aren't really worth it. Like the CDI.
Exophase said:
Do Gizmondo games actually use OpenGL, or is it some form of Direct3D?
Microsoft never released a proper OpenGL ES competitor for Windows CE, I mean there is an unaccelerated Direct3D but obviously it is unsuited to do anything other than a couple triangles.
I would suspect the chip is OGLES 1.0 or 1.1 at most considering its age.

I don't know if the games uses the chip directly or through OGLES.
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SomeGuy99 said:
(even the unreleased stuff like Colors).
Tsk. I can't believe you never mentioned Momma Can I Mow The Lawn. For shame!
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Prometheus said:
SomeGuy99 said:
(even the unreleased stuff like Colors).
Tsk. I can't believe you never mentioned Momma Can I Mow The Lawn. For shame!

...Hehe. Sounds good from the title alone.
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I would rather see GP32 support in Ginge before Giz personally (should be much easier too).
DaveC said:
I would rather see GP32 support in Ginge before Giz personally (should be much easier too).

Don't hold your breath, making Linux accommodate Linux and making it accommodate something OS-less with full control of interrupts are two pretty different things.
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Exophase said:
DaveC said:
I would rather see GP32 support in Ginge before Giz personally (should be much easier too).

Don't hold your breath, making Linux accommodate Linux and making it accommodate something OS-less with full control of interrupts are two pretty different things.
I knew there was a catch. Oh well it would still probably be easier to do than a Giz with WinCE and a different 3D GPU etc but I guess that don't mean much.
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Oh, I'm sure notaz can pull some magic somehow. I'm always on the more harshly skeptical side of reality when it comes to these virtualization attempts - a lot really has to do with just what the software is doing, and I tend to assume the worst.