Gigas Engine


ve just bought a new SMC, i think somehow it'll be dedicated to GIGAS
Pirotic posted on Feb 18 2004 at 12:28 PM said:
having shadows coming straight down is a bit weird, looks odd, It's a nice effect but i think it will just look off in a game, due to light source and such usually isn't straight down or somtin

Although if the engine have a day night system then nm
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the shots are from the PC version, i'm planning on making a fair number of minor changes for the Gp32 including interface and so forth, also i'm going to drop the shadows they looked rather lame :D


would of mentioned the PC version sooner but figured you lot wouldn't of been interested, the project was completed but the hosting went down and i lost interest (as it was finished) and never found a new host.

i'll release some screenshots of the GP32 editions interface and editing within a week, currently working on a proper playable demo for 0.4.0 beta.
Is the PC version still available? It looks impressive. If you don't have webspace, I'm sure I can find some.... ;)

I lived and breathed Mana when I was 14 (crap, that sounds like a long time ago).
Secret of Mana - damn, thats the game which got me into RPGs, never even heard of Squaresoft but it was 39.99 (cheap in the SNES days) and got a decent review in super-play (UK magazine) so i picked it up..

remember Gigas-Frost? the evil santa :P thats where i picked up the word "Gigas" to begin with :D

feel bad posting PC stuff tho, i'll just talk about my GP32 Gigas-Engine from now-on.. i'll upload the PC version again someday, sadly the PC version and GP32 version will never be compatible, which is why im making a new 'Advanced Editor' for the GP32 version - i've improved a fair bit in terms of coding, and the save-game format for the PC version was so naff, all "strings" :D

been drawing some more graphics today and working on the first map for the demo, i realise it still looks rather lame so far (which is why i need some kind artist to help) but its slowly coming along, give it a week or two and i recon it'll be done.


i've tried to capture a simplistic pokemon/earthbound style look :P if you can do better (which u probably can) please drop me a PM if you fancy helping out.
looks like a real Pokemon to me :)
is it possible to make a clone when the engine is out?
i would work on one... your image inspired me!!! :D
thanks, it looks worse up close :D oh well, its a start. i'll keep you informed.
I dont understand about battleing system...

If its customisable that'd be cooooool...
Im no programmer, but I have my own ideas for a new battleing system
I won't shut up about it, because you have no idea of the story behind this, the only project I believe is fake is the CPS1&2 emu, the other stuff is real.

Pirotic has changed his story on the CPS emu so many times its funny and also its got to the situation that he has to lie about it to try to escape his previous lies.

I have the logs of his lies from the GP32emu board. If you like I can post it all and you can read his crazy changes in story.

Also back then he promised to show his CPS emu to a select few people to prove it was real. He didn't. Because it isn't.

Pirotic why don't you just send Hando a copy? Then i'll be proved wrong. Fair enough? The version that runs Street Fighter 2? I'm pretty sure Hando can be trusted.

I've never been wrong about a fake emu before, so I will see the funny side if I am wrong this time, no bad feelings, equally i'll be cool if you just admit it isn't real.


/me can't wait :D

I have one question about Gigas Engine.... How are the battles started? Cuz I absolutly, 100% hate all RPG's with random battles for some reason :P And is the actual battle turn-based or real-time?
craigix posted on Feb 18 2004 at 10:12 PM said:
I won't shut up about it, because you have no idea of the story behind this, the only project I believe is fake is the CPS1&2 emu, the other stuff is real.

Pirotic has changed his story on the CPS emu so many times its funny and also its got to the situation that he has to lie about it to try to escape his previous lies.

I have the logs of his lies from the GP32emu board. If you like I can post it all and you can read his crazy changes in story.

Also back then he promised to show his CPS emu to a select few people to prove it was real. He didn't. Because it isn't.

Pirotic why don't you just send Hando a copy? Then i'll be proved wrong. Fair enough? The version that runs Street Fighter 2? I'm pretty sure Hando can be trusted.

I've never been wrong about a fake emu before, so I will see the funny side if I am wrong this time, no bad feelings, equally i'll be cool if you just admit it isn't real.

:P please call the police, i think this guy is stalking me..

craigx: Doom is great, but this is the Gigas Engine thread - if you want to make up storys about my other projects please create a new thread for it, then i can print a few copys off and laught myself to sleep.

as for the logs, dont waste them on me - i know its hard being a troll, living under that damp cold bridge - why not light them and keep urself warm for a little while?or go learn HTML or something, just looked at your site and my retina's detached.

I really dont understand your anger, its not fake - and i dont feel i have to prove it to the likes of you, i rarely talk about CPS32, and i've NEVER posted any news storys about it - infact every single thing i've ever said about it on the forums has been as a direct reply to questions :P the only reason people discovered it was due to my mentioning it on my beta tester page which was copied and pasted onto some GP32 sites news pages without my consent.

who gives you the right to demand i send you something, which i have no intentions of giving out? i created it for my own reasons (to learn more about CPS emulation) and due to it being far to slow i dont have any plans to make it a public domain application - just accept it and move on, if you want to think its fake thats fine, but dont go ruining all my threads by constantly changing the subject.

(i know im being mean, but he just wont leave me alone! even when im polite)

rcx21000 - Battles can be triggered by hotspots or randomly when walking, so you can pretty much do what you like - the battles however are turn based, no real-time slashing like SoM - if i find time i might include both.

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Why don't you just take it off your site then? Why keep giving pretend updates on it? And i don't want you to send me it, I want you to send Hando it.

The reason its on your site is because you like the attention, and you tried to use it as a reason for people to vote for you in 15Days, but we both know it isn't real for a long list of hardware reasons.

Just found something else too - You claimed your CPS emu supported sound, Qsound at that! LOL! Are you standing by that too? Because earlier in this very thread (page 1 or 2) you said it does not have sound and probably never will!

Forgot you made up that it supported qsound did you? Don't worry i've linked your previous lies so you can check them before making up more.

Here you go everyone who wants to read the story behind this guy and why he was banned from GP32emu, I think these previous posts tell the story really well:

First of all the initial annoucement:;t=4210;hl=cps

Then more about it (this one is quite funny when he runs away at the end after producing a password protected zip file which was 5k in size):;t=4928;hl=cps

Then the 'Which emulator shall I develop next' post, because apparently CPS32 was all done thanks to ASM!;t=4282;hl=cps

I can't wait for your release 'in a few weeks!'

I read all those threads and I don't see what your fuzz is about. The way I understood after reading those posts is that it he wrote a CSP emulator from scratch but looked at the source of Starscream to see how it was done there, he never finished sound and did a few ASM optimizations. Unfortunately nothing has been released but nothing indicates that it is fake either.
Erm the fake release? The claims it supported Qsound? The starscream lies?

I honestly cannot believe you think this guy is for real. You believe him everytime a problem is pointed out and he 'corrects' his story. It is quite depressing. I'm interested to see how he answers the Qsound issue.

But thats ok - we will have a release of CPS32 in 'a few weeks'! I can't wait to hear Qsound on the GP32!

What did he say about starscream that is a lie? It just looks like a failed witch hunt from your side, Craigix.
Craig, really it's time to let it go for now. If he decides to make an update on it or clarify his position that's one thing but it really should be moved to another thread if you choose to continue as he's trying to showcase gigas which inthe long wrong could prove a hell of a lot more interesting than a near worthless GP32-CPS emulator.

There's the possibility here of a well crafted application for the good of the GP community. That's more immportant than this (frankly boring) one sided grudge match.