Gigas Engine 0.5.1

i'll be supporting projectile weapons, dont worry. it'll just be a case of saying "with this attack , launch this projectile when it reachs this frame". so you can do arrows, boomerangs etc which surpass the range of the normal attack animations.

i think SoM didnt have a proper projectile system, and it just used the attack animation along with transparencys, i can't see the harm in including one tho as you dont have to use it.

the projectile speed will be stored as a "per projectile" setting, but damage will be based on your character attack. you can make armours invincible to certain types of attack too, so you may HAVE to kill certain enemys with a certain type of attack etc. but all thats optional. defence is like a %, and you have difference defence values against projectiles, melee, magic etc.

also dont expect to much out of the editor yet, you will be able to create the basics but its so crude im almost ashamed to use it myself :D and i prob wont be happy with it until version 1.0.0 is released, i've sat around and built a couple of maps with it and despite it being on a smaller screen it isnt frustrating as you can quickly find tiles and copy and paste etc, the lack of a keyboard/mouse isnt as big a problem as i thought it'd be, plus being able to see it on the GP32 means you know exactly how the game wil look when your playing it (ie, how far you can see etc)

the good news is that if you dont like it, you can make maps using Mappy for windows which will export to Gigas without any problems ;)


hehe, it needs alot of interface work.

just hope people dont expect too much, as RPG Maker by ASCII was developed by a team of 12 or so for a year or two :D
well, I had debug or whatever on, and I realised that each map has a number
could we add more than 3 maps in the first release? sya, so we could enter every building in town?


by the way,did anyone know there are a couple of rpg makers for snes?i found them by chance,tried one but it doesn't fully work on my's not much fun though,as you can't make your own graphics and music
you discovered the debug mode huh? ;) not very exciting is it.

you can have over 65,000 maps which should be more than enough :D

i've been working on it more today (i try to work on it everyday), added some little features to speed up the editing, copying, replacing etc and you can now dynamically resize the map and setup the special effects (rain etc). also made the special effects into a custom graphic so people can make and use there own.

haven't done the hotspot/entity editor yet, the hotspot editor is vital as it'll allow you to make teleports so you can enter buildings, change maps etc.

the entity editor is going to be a pain in the ass on the GP32's screen, the entitys have so many settings i dont know how im going to do it, i might make a template editor so you design the entitys (player, enemys etc) and then just drag and drop them onto the maps, but thats sounds like it'll be a few days work.


if somebodys wants to offer then yup, lol.

its a custom graphic file anyway, so people can make there own.
well, the rain one would be easy
but, that is assuming that you would make a lot of images and play them in a repeat over the screen
would that be how it happens?
also, what is the status on the menus?
could we have a hot-spot on the tile that has an image of an item, and when you hit it the tile changes to a defult backround similar to its environment and you have something in your inventory?
also, how long until you predict we could have an inventory equiping menu?
please, make it like the morrowind or dungeon siege style, but I would apreciate it the most, as would others , If you mock FF9's equip style

your hotspot example is pretty much spot on, you can do pretty much anything with them so long as your smart enough to bend the rules to achieve your desired result, its easier than scripting anyhow.

how is the equip style with morrowind? is it where you get a picture of your inventory and you drag and drop stuff into it, like MMORPGS?

i like the final fantasy equiping style, in that you could apply your own personality onto the equiping of your group, if i lost a fight i'd normally unequip everything then build them up from scratch again, focusing on a new technique or changing a characters 'purpose' from a healer to an attacker etc, the depth was really impressive. where as the drop and drop style is a little more restrictive.
well, ya the menu for equip in morrowind was sort of like, click and object and then it appears on your head, and so on, but the diablo style would be neat, but best would be ff9 style


and could you please release a version with what you have here tonight?
I could sort of find bugs for you?
thanks for the suggestion, diagonal attacks are on the 'to do' list somewhere. but bare in mind the todo list is heavier than me at the moment so it may be a while ;)

Also i recall saying the next beta would be out friday or saturday, its saturday now but its not going to be ready in time im afraid.

My original plan was only to have a few editing functions in the next beta, but i've ended up doing way more stuff than i planned to, so it may be a week late, but it'll have a weeks worth of extra's to go with it.

it'll be a very substantial improvement over the current beta, better animation routines, more special effects, and a healthy dose of editing functions which will give you enough to started with.


Hiya - just thought i'd keep you all updated on whats going on.

Hotspot editing is done and dusted and all works, and Entity editing is done and dusted and all works, which means all the features planned for the demo are implemented and after a bit of polishing can be released :P

all the settings for each option are rather limited, as its just the crude basics at the moment - but its more than enough to keep anybody busy, in short you can create the maps, add doors, switchs, and place entitys (friendly and enemies) as well as use your own artwork for the special effects, entitys and map tiles.

for instance, i can place an entity - then go into settings and customize it, so i can give it the animation i want, set its AI up, select its health, EXP and so forth.

then hover over it and select 'copy', so i can then place as many of em as i want

made a fighting badguy, copied him and pasted 50 odd of him all around my character, its bloody funny watching him being chased around by an angry mob, he knows how i feel on the forums now ;)

So anyway, this it he final post i'll do on this thread - as once the demo is released i'll create a new thread as always, i'll also be hosting a 'best map' comp :D


Hiya, 0.6.0 is by no means the final release ;) unless your planning on bumping me off or something, lol.

the windows editors are done, but wont be released yet as they dont all output binary and need a few changes as they are slightly out of date, the Gigas-Editor (the in-built) one is alot easier for now, once the complex features such as EXP graphs and conversations become editable i'll make sure i get the windows editors upto scratch.

