Gigas Engine 0.5.1

yeah,can't you just get an adaptor for power?i use one,i have one i bought years ago wich covers every different power,you can swap the heads and so on.just ceck how much power the thing needs and buy one,no need to waste batteries..
Yes! I beat that other Chrono Trigger guy. Good work Pirotic, I love rpgs like this sooo much. reminds me of SoM2 :D
wow, could you give us a guess of when the next demo will be out?
I am very eger to go on and get my game I was going to do on the GBA now on a larger screen
please tho, also release the comp editor, unless you can just add an image to a folder and use it in the editor, then, well, please release the comp eventually, but the gp32 one sounds awesome!
I nominate him a gp32 guru, anyone second that?

I second that! But I dont think it will be valid until he releases an RPG making part which is soon anyways. So you wanna make an RPG called Pimpquest? Sounds like a spoof on Pokémon I read about in an EGM issue. I'm gonna write an RPG story soon.
Hey Pirotic, could you make it so that instead of moving freely, the charecters have to move using "squares"?

I wanna make a pokemon spoof where you can only have four "spaces" on each screen.

This is soo cool. its just what i been looking for...
Hiya, the editor is coming along nicely thanks - i've done the basic map editor now, just ironing out a few bugs at the moment - i've already corrupted my SMC about 10 times today due to bugs and SDK glitchs (not all my fault, lol) but it seems to be stable now (its 11pm now, i started debugging at about 3pm)

should be out by the end of the week, if not sooner.. but please note that as i've been working on the editor, the demo will be next to identical than the one in the last release, with just some better animations and special effects, but seeing as you can go and create your own demos i hope you wont mind.

on the down side, i think my GP32 may be on its last legs.. the screen has been acting up lately in all the programs i try, and to make matters worse my SMC has been giving me greif (may just be my coding, lol) - thank god i have a new 64mb card arriving any day now.

To answer questions -

talking tile by tile will be implemented towards the end, there is no real point implementing it until the turn based combat is coded, as walking a tile at a time and real-time combat just wouldn't mix :P
aww, I hope your 32 holds out, these are truly facsinating machines, or I hope that you can get a BLU when someone send you donations
but what about charecter and other pics?
can we just drop our stuff ( images ) in a folder and use them on the 32?
and finally, Pimp Quest is my game damn it!
what the issue of that magazine that has my game in it?
I have had for 2 years now a bunch of images, a story wrote, and a map drawn (in hand but still!), its not a pokemon game


also, can we attack diagonally? please let this be so , could play out important in dev
and , can we select atack range? and if so, cna they be based on items?
attack range is specified, but it has to be within the size of the attack animation graphic, technically you could make a 2 pronged weapon, and then set up two attack points on each prong, then if you hit somebody each prong would take away seperate damage. you specify the attack duration, at which points the damage is inflicted, and the 'area' where damage is dealt (the tip of the weapon etc).

you can't attack diagonally, didnt think any games had diagonal attacks :P if you prove me wrong i'll add it for you. lol

i just got custom graphics working, you can now use your own tilemaps and character graphics without any hassle.
pimp quest........

anyways, this thing is awesome, and I cant wait for this to be released
give me something other than FinalWar to work on, that gets frustrating at times, great way to take a break


you rock pirotic
hows pimp quest like pokemon? do you have to collect "ho's" and "slap 'em all" or something :D can't wait to see it.

coded 3 features into Gigas-Editor today, the first is a Tile Picker - if you select it it shows you your tileset full screen and lets you scroll and select what tile to use, its alot quicker for finding tiles than going thru them all one by one using the L and R buttons while editing the map.

Second thing i coded is an editor for the collision detection, on the map you can select objects and toggle them to solid or not, and it shows you where you can walk and where you can't.

thats along with graphic loading which i already mentioned, so you can use your custom character art and tilesets if you wish.

saving has been working all day, so it looks like yesterdays debugging session paid off.

still have alot to do, at the moment you see its loading ALL the game data off the SMC and saving it all, but i still haven't gotton around to writing editors for the Entitys or Hotspots yet (meanining you can't place enemys/people or do any scripting style features like map changing)

will get hotspots done tomorrow, entitys day after that, polish it on friday and hopefully release friday night or saturday sometime.

done a bit of documentation on how to create maps etc, so hopefully nobody will get lost straight away.


my game is like an rpg, kinda like zelda, and will proboly be very offensive to some
dont know If I will do it straight on the release day, might make a game or two first to learn and master the holy pirotic's maker
but It will be released, sometime lol
and it will have no nudity in it, and if it does, I will find a way to lock it off unless you have a code to engage it ( maybe like release 9.6.8 ) ok, so I wont but I will make stuff with this, hey I know, there should be a compo in here after he releases a few more versions, could get many good RPG's

and to answer the question, I already have 2 charecters sheets

and pirotic, how big is each file
anything else needed?

this may have already been asked
i haven't been following this thread to carefully(which is amazing because this is one the of the things i am most anticipating)
but if you use the zelda or SoM fighting style will you be able to attack with arrows and the like?
great work
Pirotic posted on Apr 20 2004 at 03:21 AM said:
you can't attack diagonally, didnt think any games had diagonal attacks :P if you prove me wrong i'll add it for you. lol
Original Legend of Zelda... I can throw the Boomerang in any of the 8 directions. :)

Lets see those Diagonal attacks!

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pallendo posted on Apr 20 2004 at 09:00 PM said:
Pirotic posted on Apr 20 2004 at 03:21 AM said:
you can't attack diagonally, didnt think any games had diagonal attacks :P if you prove me wrong i'll add it for you. lol
Original Legend of Zelda... I can throw the Boomerang in any of the 8 directions. :)

Lets see those Diagonal attacks!

I think he's talking about direct physical attacks (no projectiles). I think we would be better off without diagonals as they weren't in SoM, and that's why the battle engine is going to be like.
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ok, well, I believe that arrows could be done
however, correct me if I am wrongm but anyways...
I believe that you could make a bunch of attack animations and then mave certain parts of that attack be the arrow and others transparent
then have the damage range be like the end of the arrow at the end of the screen
or atleast that is the idea tha i get from pirotic
hope this comes out
