Release Garden Of Coloured Lights


Advanced Member
Jul 28, 2008
Hi again, I compiled this game for the Pandora:


I configured the keys for the Pandora, but you can change them in the options too.ö

Get the PND here:
Thanks! This is really nice.

Looks trippy,, note to self, bring a SD card reader to work.
I just mount the card as mass storage, download and copy to the Pandora. Then try not to look as though I'm changing my music and not actually playing a game :)
This looks like a lot of fun. Thank you for the port! I can't wait to give it a go!
mcobit, thank you for porting this; this game is amazing.

However, I'm having a lot of difficulty with setting the controls. It requires at least 4 action buttons, and it is possible to choose which keys you'll use in the main menu, but the game seems to not recognize some of the Pandora's keys such as "A" and the shoulder buttons. It does seem to recognize X, Y and B though, as well as the d-pad. It also recognizes mouse-clicks (because you need to do a left-mouse-click to get past the title screen).

Do you know what might be the problem?
Also, does anyone know how to change the direction of that 8-directional weapon? I got it to change directions a few times, but I have no idea how I did it.

Also, what does it mean when you have horizontal lights shoot out from your ship? What causes it and does it do anything? Also, does moving your ship close to another ship damage that other ship? At 0:18 in the video, a ship seems to be destroyed just by moving close to it. And how do you recharge your weapons?

Basically, is there an instruction manual somewhere?
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Esn: I see the problem with the keys. I mapped the A button to be "enter" in the menus, but as enter is never defined as an actionbutton, you can't use it for mapping. Will correct this by mapping enter to Start. I have no idea, why the shoulderbuttons don't work though. A is fire1 by default btw. The actionbuttons are all used right now in the standard configuration:

A: Fire1

Y: Fire2

X: Fire3

B: Slow

If you want to get back to the standard keymapping, delete your appdata.

I will have a look at this when I get the time after the weekend.

Thanks for finding!

There are Bladeweapons, that circle around your ship when you press an actionbutton. Maybe this was, what destroyed the ship in the vid by moving close to it.
There are Bladeweapons, that circle around your ship when you press an actionbutton. Maybe this was, what destroyed the ship in the vid by moving close to it.
That's not it. Check the video at 0:18... it's a gun that circles your ship, yes, but it doesn't say in its description that it does any damage if you don't fire it. Moreover, there was no indication that the enemy was being damaged...

I see the guy in the video doing some things that don't make sense to me, so I guess I don't really understand all the controls.

The weapon furthest on the right is the 8-directional one that I can't figure out how to properly use.
The eight directional weapon will fire i the opposite direction you are moving in, before fireing.

e.g. Move left and press the firebutton and if will shoot right. ;)

Edit: You don't take damage by flying into an enemy ship, but when you are really close to it and kill it with a single strike of a weapon, you just see the explosion of the enemy, but not your weapo being fired.

The horizontal lines are still a mystery to me ;)
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I got a working build of NOIZ2SA here. Just need to package tomorrow ;)