free PC games (steam)

Is the 7th guest still available, I love point and click games :)

and do you still have Cave Story+ ? :)
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Hey, sswam, could I have Risk of Rain (if it has not been taken?) 

This is a really nice thing people are doing.  If I ever get any Steam keys I end up not needing, I'll be sure to post them here (well, not literally post them...) 

-Glyph Reader
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How did you set up these pages by the way ? :) they look cool.
I'm making an HTML "steam library UI", with good search features (unlike the normal steam library).

At the moment it's done using hackery using shell-script, perl, HTML and javascript!

I hope to set it up more nicely using just HTML and javascript, so other people can use it.

Can search by name, genre, developer, publisher, community tags, whether it's installed,

my personal tags (like, whether I'm playing it, whether I think it's good, what bundle it's from),

metascore, required age (like esrb rating), and logical expressions with all those.

It can shuffle the games randomly, and sort by various fields.

It can launch games in native steam (using steam:// URL) or steam+wine (using a steamwine:// URL).

It has an overly large menu for each game, linking to various info about the game

such as its steam store page, homepage, and trailer on youtube.

It's meant to run on local computer using file:// URLs, rather than over the web,

but it also works over the web (just have to wait for many MB of images to download!).

Here's the "big page" with my games, I'll demo some filters:

Warning: If you clear the query it will download about 32MB of images for all the games!

This is searching the games I bought, not all the games on the steam store.

I made one including (nearly) all the games on the store, but that page is very big.
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Is World of Goo still available?
It is, but for the games on that page I need to log into humble bundle using your steam account and we need to be online at the same time to get past steam guard.  I'd prefer to give all those games to the same person so I only have to do it once!  I got these games in an unusual bundle (bundle for brandon), and unfortunately they're not giftable in the normal way.  I'm happy to give you the game/s but you'd have to trust me with your steam password, briefly.  You can change it after.
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I guess since it is still available and I am working quickly through the 7th guest, could I have the code to Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP? please? :)
Ok, haven't read the whole thread... but if anyone feels like gifting me Portal, I would certainly appreciate it. ^· ^

=~. O =
Sorry, I doubt anyone has a spare copy of Portal.  I don't think it's ever been in a bundle (where can gift spare copies).

I can only suggest you become a Debian Developer - Valve will give you all their games for free.  Or just buy it, it's not so easy to become a Debian developer.

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