For Anyone Who Cares...

At the moment, NC's is faster (in terms of the speed the game runs, as opposed to in terms of smoothness) and more compatible for most things (lots of graphical glitches with this, although to be fair I haven't seen it crash yet - partly, methinks, because I've only tried 2 games though).

This, on the other hand, looks to be potentially much nicer once it's done (not least because of the fact that it's running at FS0 now, and FS1 still usually looks smooth ans anything)
looks like bmileker has a bounty out for your skills, I might have to throw down as well. Although, Im not worring too much..that never got any progress.
I haven't donated to anyone yet but I just might donate to Squidge for his efforts on this.
I've not tried it yet, but any SNES emu that can run Chrono Trigger, and doesn't incessantly crash gets the thumbs up from me!
Hmm... are you actually able to save your game though??
I've uploaded another version. I've changed the graphics routines on this one, and it seems to be a fair amount quicker. The main problem was trying to sync with the LCD refresh - why oh why can't we just use a vsync interrupt?

The proper way to exit is to hold down SELECT for at least 2 seconds, as I've said previously, but some people may not have read the entire thread.

This version also has a frame rate limiter built in, so games shouldn't run too fast. It uses rlyeh's timer routines for this however, so I've no idea if they handle overclocking.

Next version will have command line support, and possibly a menu :)