For Anyone Who Cares...

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Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)



(lets see how long this can go on)

Psych, SNES and GBC rule! :P

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Thread ruined, you dick heads.

edit: for the record, i disagree with this:
Full screen would look awful - davec will explain...
Since it would only be a small stretch on the GP2X screen.

And also, who listened to DaveC anyway. He dies when an emulator doesn't have sound- on a handheld. Who turns the volume up on a Gameboy?

Edit: I wasn't saying sound isn't worth aiming for. I play with sound a lot of the time. But in a lot of places that you might take a handheld, sound would be redundant or rude.
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It would've been a good idea if it weren't for the terrible sound quality on the gameboy. I can't say I didn't spend a good few hours playing pop'n music on the gameboy emu on gp32 though.
Yeah, I get tired of all the "you can't stretch it, it won't look right" posts. I personally want EVERYTHING stretched to fill the screen, even at the expense of quality. It simply a matter of OCD - I just need the screen filled.

As for the emulator, you can count on a donation. How could you not donate for the Holy Grail of all GP2X emulators?

The Holy Grail was never found. I believe Gamecube or Xbox would be the "Holy Grail" of GP2X emulators.

This however is attainable as Squidge has proven.

Question, does this have sound implemented yet?

Well, the Holy Grail in many peoples opinion is a proper SNES emulator. Like the original, it was never found on the GP32, but close. Especially after Reesy fixed the sound. However, for the Gamecube or Xbox to be the Holy Grail, I think the possibility for them to exist would need to be substantiated. The SNES emulator just needs to be found, and Xbox or Gamecube emulator will never even exist to be found ;) .

This sounds Philosophical.

You may be right about the Gamecube and XBox, but not about the SNES. Maybe this means the Holy Grail would be an N64 emu? I don't care if the odds are against me, I will continue to fight for an N64 emulator! ;P

Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)

Amiga emulation is possible, isn't it? (Holy Grail was never FOUND)
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this snes emulator is amazing! Runs nearly everything perfectly, except no sound.

Only thing missing is a nice gui and file selector and sound support.

Thanks squidge! If you get this thing working well with sound I think i will send you some $.
Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)

Amiga emulation is possible, isn't it? (Holy Grail was never FOUND)
I don't think anyone can say with certainty whether playable Amiga emulation will be achieved on the GP2X. And that's just the point.

The expression "the holy grail of..." basically means a very important sought after goal within a field. Something that is hard to attain and may or may not be possible to achieve, but that is still sought after because it would mean a big breakthrough in that particular field.

So to say that only things that are impossible may be called "holy grails" is wrong. After all, there's no point in searching for something we already know is impossible ;)

Anyway, I'm sorry for hijacking the thread here. I more tried to make a joke than to see how many people would agree/disagree with me. And SNES is good and all but it was pretty ok on the GP32 already. In time I expect it to be even better on the GP2X. Especially if Squidge is working on it :)
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Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)



(lets see how long this can go on)

Psych, SNES and GBC rule! :P

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wow 60fps!! it seems to have a few graphical glicthes and for some reason it seems slower than a normal snes even though its running at 62fps. why is this? anyway putting that aside its very impressive.