Release Foobillard


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Foobillard, a full featured billard/pool games (with sound).


The Game is fully functional, but the reflection on the ball eat some CPU (the GL_SPHERE_MAP needs neon code optimisation).

Also, in the option, you should not change the reflection to "RENDERED" has it need CubeMaps not yet implemented in glshim, nor "RENDERED+FRESNEL" that also need CubeMap and NV Shader.

History log


Build 03


  • Added usable keyboard control
    Use DPad to aim
  • Use {A}/{B} to change power
  • Use {X}/{Y} to Zoom In/Out
  • Toushscreen still usable to finetune the aim
[*]Made the Help Line thicker
Build 02


  • Refined launch script (forcing 800x480 fullscreen).
Build 01


  • Initial build
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Nice, runs at a decent framerate on my Ghz pandora at 1Ghz.

No offence though, but how do you play this?  I can spin the table round with the arrow keys, select power with up and down (or pgup/pgdn), make the cue appear with C (and also move the camera to it sometimes), and shoot with enter or space, but I can't figure out how to aim, and having aligned the camera with the cue with C, can't work out how to move the camera up off the table again.

Also, if I close the lid when in game, the screen doesn't come back on on reopening it, and I have to reset.
This one is very mouse oriented. So use "middle button" to shot ("mouse button nub" down). It plays much better with a real mouse attached.
Ah right, just figured out that I can look up by holding down left click and moving the left nub, and zoom by holding right click and moving up and down on the left nub.  Still can't aim though.
Ah right, just figured out that I can look up by holding down left click and moving the left nub, and zoom by holding right click and moving up and down on the left nub.  Still can't aim though.
It should be:

  • Left click and move to Aim,
  • Right click and move to change Angle/Zoom,
  • Middle click to shot.
Hmm, I get:

Left button: Change view angle/height

Middle button: Take shot

Right button: No action/zoom (only up and down do anything)

In full view mode (F) I get similar results, once I manage to actually find the table.  Can't find a way to move the cue, other than O sometimes moving it to another AI-picked angle.
Hmm, I get:

Left button: Change view angle/height

Middle button: Take shot

Right button: No action/zoom (only up and down do anything)

In full view mode (F) I get similar results, once I manage to actually find the table.  Can't find a way to move the cue, other than O sometimes moving it to another AI-picked angle.
But the Left button is the one to aim. You then choose power with the wheelmouse or Up/Down, and middle button to shot.
Ok, so I've done something. I find the Control usable now on the Pandora:

Build 03


  • Added usable keyboard control
    Use DPad to aim
  • Use {A}/{B} to change power
  • Use {X}/{Y} to Zoom In/Out
  • Toushscreen still usable to finetune the aim
[*]Made the Help Line thicker
Thanks, that's a fair bit easier to play now.  I did find myself sticking with the nubs to begin with, as the analogue control does give you a bit more finesse, but then my left nub decided to stop going right, so I swiched to the d-pad and found it still playable.

I do wonder if it'd be nicer to use the nubs as a type of analogue joystick, thus freeing up the buttons for things like shooting.  But I can imagine that's almost as much work again as doing the port in the first place (if not more), so as you've got things to a playable state, I'm not too fussed.

Can't figure out how to apply side or backspin.  Can you do that?

Also, I still find my screen not returning if I close then reopen the lid while in-game.  Can anyone else reproduce that problem?
Thanks, that's a fair bit easier to play now.  I did find myself sticking with the nubs to begin with, as the analogue control does give you a bit more finesse, but then my left nub decided to stop going right, so I swiched to the d-pad and found it still playable.

I do wonder if it'd be nicer to use the nubs as a type of analogue joystick, thus freeing up the buttons for things like shooting.  But I can imagine that's almost as much work again as doing the port in the first place (if not more), so as you've got things to a playable state, I'm not too fussed.

Can't figure out how to apply side or backspin.  Can you do that?

Also, I still find my screen not returning if I close then reopen the lid while in-game.  Can anyone else reproduce that problem?
Well, it's SDL, so using a Joystick is doable (I've just done it for Fachoda). But if I affect a Nub to Joystick, the mousebuttons will have to be put somewhere else, like on the shoulder, but this time I need 3 buttons, where should I put the third one?

Applying Side or Backspin, I don't know, I think it's doable, but I don't know how. I think it will be easier to do some google than to look in the code (that kind of things is not easy to read from the code).
Hmm, lets think about this.  I'm thinking it needn't be mouse driven at all ideally on Pandora.

Things that need to be accommodated:

Aim x2, pitch x2, zoom x2, shoot, power x2.

Aim and pitch can happily live together on one nub, but you can't really put zoom and power together on the other, but you could have zoom on the right nub, and have power on A/B, and shoot on X.  Keep the d-pad as it is (as a mirror of the left nub in my mapping).

Anything I've missed?
Go there for a wiki on how to play. It's a bit outdated, but you will see there are many controls. I just hacked the basic ones (you'll see they are some tricky mouse button combination anyway!).
Ah ta!  Can't get any of those b1 after b2 things working on Pandora, so I guess I maybe do really need a mouse for this.
Well, with Nub as MouseButton, that's impossible to press both button at the same time. So some better combination must be found. Anyway, I'm not sure having such a complex MB & Key combination is good. You just forgot them. I think so switch state, like BillardGL, with some visual hit, is much better... But that's also a much bigger job to develop.
Oh yeah, while I remember, it'd also be nice to have some sound for a ball dropping in a pocket.  Since the camera follows the white it's not always in shot when the target (or incidental) ball goes down, so some auditory indication would be nice.

Not sure what the sound should be.  Ball falling into net is pretty quiet, but a mechanised table makes much more noise.  Suppose there's always tournament tables where it falls onto rails.
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Oh yeah, while I remember, it'd also be nice to have some sound for a ball dropping in a pocket.  Since the camera follows the white it's not always in shot when the target (or incidental) ball goes down, so some auditory indication would be nice.

Not sure what the sound should be.  Ball falling into net is pretty quiet, but a mechanised table makes much more noise.  Suppose there's always tournament tables where it falls onto rails.
I need a sound file for that. I have no way to create one myself. If you provide it, I can probably add it to the game.