Release Firmware release 1.5, beta 1 released

Found that it loses my nub-settings after every reboot, and misreports battery life quite drastically - kept getting my PNDs crashing due to dialogs warning me about the battery being about to fail, even though prior to launching the PND it was at 48% :(

Back to HF7 for me!


SuperZaxxon with old kernel is exactly the same as HF7B1 (except for some zenity scripts), so there shouldn't be any problems here...
Found that it loses my nub-settings after every reboot, and misreports battery life quite drastically - kept getting my PNDs crashing due to dialogs warning me about the battery being about to fail, even though prior to launching the PND it was at 48% :(

Back to HF7 for me!

SuperZaxxon with old kernel is exactly the same as HF7B1 (except for some zenity scripts), so there shouldn't be any problems here...

That's odd, then - I assume that the superzaxxon-with-old kernel is the blue bootscreen and the new kernel is the green? I've been using the blue (which appeared after I chose to use the new kernel) which kept losing nub settings and losing nub configuration after a suspend. This one (old kernel) also did a proper power-save suspend which lost only a few percent of battery after being left overnight. After a reboot, I decided to go back to the old kernel (wrongly assuming I was in the new one) and had no option, so I chose to use the "new kernel" option again, in the hope that it might toggle the old one back in. I then got the green boot screen and the newer kernel. Things went rapidly downhill from there, so I'm going back to HF7 to get some stability.

The new kernel brings some astounding new features to the table, but it's nowhere near stable enough for day-to-day use - but I'm very glad to have had the chance to test it, and for that I'm truly grateful!

Edit: Just tested again - set the nubs as left/mousemove right/mousebuttons, then hit log-out/restart and it lost the nub settings going back to the defaults again. Definitely going back to HF7b1 now!

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Hmm, I'll check that with the nubs, though nothing has really changed there...

If you don't select anything in the bootmenu, it will always boot the old kernel (blue bootscreen).

It will ONLY boot the experimental kernel when you run it via the bootmenu!

Just one thing:

The default config for the nubs IS left/mousemove right/mousebuttons... so what do you mean with you set it to left/mousemove right/mousebuttons but it always goes back to default config? :o
Hmm, I'll check that with the nubs, though nothing has really changed there...

If you don't select anything in the bootmenu, it will always boot the old kernel (blue bootscreen).

It will ONLY boot the experimental kernel when you run it via the bootmenu!

Odd - I got the blue screen when I ran the "experimental kernel" the first time, and assumed it had worked. The second time it booted in green. Nub config is lost regardless which I choose.

Just one thing:

The default config for the nubs IS left/mousemove right/mousebuttons... so what do you mean with you set it to left/mousemove right/mousebuttons but it always goes back to default config? :o

Oops, you're right - I meant the other way around! And yes, it goes back to defaults no matter how often I click to write the settings out.

This one (old kernel) also did a proper power-save suspend which lost only a few percent of battery after being left overnight.
That can't be right, it probably drained your battery nearly completely and the percentage didn't update for some reason, so you got those low battery problems later on.

BTW that percentage comes directly from battery monitoring chip and software has no effect on it, the only thing that can happed is display code getting stuck and showing some old value.
This one (old kernel) also did a proper power-save suspend which lost only a few percent of battery after being left overnight.
That can't be right, it probably drained your battery nearly completely and the percentage didn't update for some reason, so you got those low battery problems later on.

BTW that percentage comes directly from battery monitoring chip and software has no effect on it, the only thing that can happed is display code getting stuck and showing some old value.

That's odd, because the behaviour coming out of suspend was different from normal - that's why I assumed I was running the experimental kernel (because I'd not yet seen the green bootscreen, it was blue when I selected that option immediately after installing). SD Icons missing from the desktop, then reappearing after a couple of seconds of furious SD activity. It's certainly different from the usual behaviour which is an instant-on effect!

Nice to see the improvement with the battery thingy :) Now im really looking forward to get my pandora. Btw how's the battery time when you play emulator like snes etc? Lol i really need to write more on forums so my english will improve :)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
xplain to me how to do these fancy updates, Ive been doing the pnd thingies previously.
1. download update archive

2. extract files in archive to root of sd-card

3. make sure to savely unmount sd-card, better wait some extra seconds

3. put sd-card in left sd-slot of pandora

4. (re)start pandora while holding right shoulder button

5. choose "boot from sd1:1"


to try alternative kernel after updating:

1.(re)start pandora while holding right shoulder button

2. choose "boot experimental kernel"

and you will see the awesome new boot-screen. I had to laugh when i first saw it.

Lately I have been doing SD card and running from there using the instructions at http://pandorawiki.o...from_an_SD_card

which are similar to the above but also it has a section 'Set up your boot.txt' which is needed to get the prompt to include boot from SD.

I must thank Notaz and all who have given hints in these forums and made me very excited about my Pandora.
Some questions :

1- What is the clean way to make 3.2 boot by default on NAND (and eventually having the old kernel in choices) ?

2- What is the clean way to make 3.2 boot by default on SD (and eventually having the old kernel in choices) ?

3- I don't find where is the build-related stuff for the 3d driver in the oe git repo. Is it here ? Which driver version is currently used ? Are two compiles needed for the two kernels ?
1. create /boot/autoboot.txt on NAND with this:

ubi part rootfs && ubifsmount rootfs && ubifsload ${loadaddr} /lib/boot/uImage && bootm ${loadaddr}

2. Similar autoboot.txt on SD that points to kernel you want

3. http://git.openpando...90eecde;hb=HEAD

or if you do it by hand, you download driver from TI, cd to GFX_Linux_KM, edit Makefile to point to your kernel tree and build.
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I have been suspending my Pandora using the new kernel... haven't actually played with it much. Suspend does really wonders in term of battery life compare to before. Not quite sure how many days it would be... I could probably test it with a full battery charge :)

I did howver run into a issue when resumming from suspend. Typically suspend seem to work fine but if I put the unit back into suspend mode after it has waken up and is accessing the SD I get a black screen with the following info:

[86419.788696] FAT-fs (mmcb1k1) bogus number of reserved sectors

udevd[707]: worker [2154] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100

udevd[707] worker [2154] failed while handling '/devices/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:b368/block/mmcblk0/mmcbl0kp1'

There is a good 30sec delay between the first line and the rest.

I don't know if it has anything to do with my memory card... I guess I should try swapping them arround (I have two 32GB SDHC card). Hope it helps.
The new 512MB units? What does that mean, I thought the old ones had that much, ram and firmware space.
The new 512MB units? What does that mean, I thought the old ones had that much, ram and firmware space.

Old (Texan) Pandoras have 256MB RAM, and 512MB internal disk (NAND) space

New (German) Pandoras have been boosted to 512MB RAM, but this extra 256MB can only be used with a new kernel.
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isn't there a ram-compression feature in newer kernels? I think opendingux is using that feature, I would guess it to be even more useful on pandora. Has anyone ever tried?