Finding a proper name and logo :)

HyCu I think is ok, nice and short.

Your pronunciation there I read as sounding [Hey-ku]

I naturally read is as sounding [High-cue]

Either way though, sounds ok to me
Phonetically to me Haiku = High-cue.

Japanese Haiku

in five seven five meter

more meaning than lines

The basis is having great meaning with minimal size through great form.

Dual meaning. HyCu = HyperCube. HyCu = Japanese poem.

The only existing commercial use I could find for the term "HyCu" was a brand of cucumber water.
FZERO: Very good idea, cubes on the highest part of the letters, and it's work only with Pyra

Idea: Taking the greek version of Pyra as a logo: Πύρρα.  It would be like ancient runes.
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FZERO: That would be a decent logo for, say, a website. What would you emboss on the lid of the device, i.e. thinking in b/w?
Perhaps just the lettering, with the inner cubes as just lines [no shade fills]

But even with embossing you can have depth/shade, so then could have the whole thing
FZERO: Very good idea, cubes on the highest part of the letters, and it's work only with Pyra

Idea: Taking the greek version of Pyra as a logo: Πύρρα.  It would be like ancient runes.
....ancient runes style :)

The Greek alphabet != ancient runes


Am I missing something?
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Yeah, you missed the

It would be like ancient runes.
Indeed, the greek alphabet especially if it is stylised would look like ancient runes to me (and I think I'm not the only one).

Edit: It would be like a logo that no one except who inquired don't know what it mean. But wich look nice and mysterious as runes
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Call it the HyCu.

Everyone will like it.

You will like it too.
I'd naturally pronounce that "Hi Sue" (with a soft 'c')

Who is Sue, and what does she have to do with the project?
It's not the same thing, what I think about is a logo which can't be read. It would like an icon not a writing. And Pyra may be written somwhere else on the console.

There would be Πύρρα and Pyra. As logo/title.

I think it can be a good idea but both should be well stylised and the problem would be to know where to put Πύρρα and where to put Pyra.

Grench: It's not bad but it is not easy to pronounce especially in french. And it's sound too soulless/fashion.
I missed the Runes thing... Didn't realise you meant a type of script.

I thought runes were like some sort of gem, jewel stone for some reason... Not sure where I got that from?
Maybe Temple Run' s gems? :lol:   or another game.

I guess most people would end up calling the device Muppa xD 
 Not false ! except if the style emphasizes the trait that is'nt like romanian alphabet. But this is risky indeed.
I can't say the name is much good if no-one can read, pronounce or google it.
I'd naturally pronounce that "Hi Sue" (with a soft 'c')

Who is Sue, and what does she have to do with the project?
I can think of lots of words with 'cu' in them that are pronounced as a hard 'Q'/'que' sound. I must be having a brain fart though as I can't think of anything with 'cu' in it that gets pronounced as, 'Sue'.

DragonBox HyCu - short for DragonBox HyperCube.
I can't say the name is much good if no-one can read, pronounce or google it.
It isn't a name but a logo. There was a time when google didn't exist. You still can google "what mean the logo on Pyra".

The major problem is that like Kodeln said it would be condused with Muppa. is also an OS, HyCu is cucumber water.
I was aware of HyCu being used as a water brand. It should be irrelevant though as that doesn't hit the same vertical market as the Pandora successor.

I wasn't aware of the Haiku OS, but since that is Haiku and an OS and this is HyCu a handheld console, I don't think that has a deleterious effect either.

DragonBox HyCu. We need enough people saying, 'yes' to get it on the list.
FZERO: Very good idea, cubes on the highest part of the letters, and it's work only with Pyra

Idea: Taking the greek version of Pyra as a logo: Πύρρα.  It would be like ancient runes.
 ....ancient runes style :)

Oh I like this! There's a color for everyone!  It's unisex! :)   I like it.
MMMMmm.... maybe if you're making a toy action figure for an 11 year old.