Finding a proper name and logo :)

I didn’t really check this one out at first - didn’t stand out that much.. and imo that is a good thing. I really like the subtle presentation of the dragon in the box. Maybe make it a bit more abstract? Not sure if the logo will have the same effect embossed on the case.
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I didn’t really check this one out at first - didn’t stand out that much.. and imo that is a good thing. I really like the subtle presentation of the dragon in the box. Maybe make it a bit more abstract? Not sure if the logo will have the same effect embossed on the case.
Perhaps I am missing some subtle "in joke" here or maybe I've spent too much time at b3ta, but.......this has a definite goatse (WARNING - do not google) feel about it and the whole db thing looks a bit cock and balls  also.  Just thought I'd mention it :-D

Perhaps I am missing some subtle "in joke" here or maybe I've spent too much time at b3ta, but.......this has a definite goatse (WARNING - do not google) feel about it and the whole db thing looks a bit cock and balls  also.  Just thought I'd mention it :-D


I don’t really like the db thing as well, but the idea of having some claws coming out of the box and seeing the eyes glow in the dark. Nice. As mentioned maybe a bit more abstract, then you will probably lose the goatse feel too.
Also, the dragon eyes are far to faint too see when the thing is scaled down to badly printed black and white image.

Logos must be striking, and should be designed in black and white.

Subtle highlights and shadows can come later ;)
Some dif colour and effect style on the dots one... and the bottom one is meant to be a dpad with the DragonBox 'd'/'b' letters incorporated

I would gladly accept and cheer for any name or logo as long as there will be no colours used for case, keys, dpad/nubs or action buttons in P2. Of course no problem if it is optional.
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@b_o_b, what you mean like the silver Pandora's made now? You'd rather they kept them just plain black?

How many professional, high-quality logos depend of pretty colours and  gradients?

How many of the above logo suggestions do?
I didn’t really check this one out at first - didn’t stand out that much.. and imo that is a good thing. I really like the subtle presentation of the dragon in the box. Maybe make it a bit more abstract? Not sure if the logo will have the same effect embossed on the case.
Perhaps I am missing some subtle "in joke" here or maybe I've spent too much time at b3ta, but.......this has a definite goatse (WARNING - do not google) feel about it and the whole db thing looks a bit cock and balls  also.  Just thought I'd mention it :-D

*shudders* You had to go there didn't you...  and now that you've brought it to my attention I see exactly what you mean, and the image is forever tainted in my mind...

- Neelix
While I appreciate the effort I just don't see the point in already making logos. We haven't even a name yet.
Something to do aint it ... :)

Plus just bouncing around ideas, little elements might be liked which could be used for whatever the final name choice might be. These are all just rough drafts really I guess, bouncing ideas about and that

While I appreciate the effort I just don't see the point in already making logos. We haven't even a name yet.
In not being huge in terms of mindshare on a logo for a new device we kinda have to put the name in the logo, and since we are cooking up a name, its kinda essential that you can make a working logo out of it.

Besides, its better to have a name with some connection to the logo, rather than to pick the separate things IMO. People don't seem to be indifferent about it, and there is no limit to the depth of facets for the name.
Perhaps I am missing some subtle "in joke" here or maybe I've spent too much time at b3ta, but.......this has a definite goatse (WARNING - do not google) feel about it and the whole db thing looks a bit cock and balls  also.  Just thought I'd mention it :-D

Why not, the Pandora was a female name, the new Device could be male, something powerful with BALLS OF STEEL!  :D

Entering a little bit 70s rock band logo here. How about going with much less organic.
It's a ske-he-he-tch!  :rolleyes:  I just copied a quick found logo from the Internet to get the idea. Feel free to improve it. I actualy had a more simple dragon in mind, bigger eyes, maybe only eyes that look out of an little bit opened chest. ;)

Our graphical talented guys around here could make a better version of this idea. With or without "db".

Here, only b/w so really usable as logo onto every surface, may it a relief embossed or whatever. You can also easily replace the black with another color.

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Using the Pandora logo


And then using them to form a dpad

I like where your going in that last one. But it looks too busy using 5, the Pandora logo style could be transformed into an x pattern using only "1 box"