Finding a proper name and logo :)

I really like that second Pyragon logo.     Am curious how it would look with a single line version of the existing DragonBox logo, above it...  (the one used for ED's shop)

- Neelix
Idea, how about

D R A G|O| N

with a square around the circle with the dragon in it. So that its →↓ dragon - box, or just all of it in the cross section.
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Pyragon does not inspire me much ... maybe because I do not know how to pronounce it correctly.
The simplified Dragon looks much better and clearer. Nice for a logo. :) However, I would like to see something where the Dragon directly looks at you. I had something like this in mind:


Just a quick sketch but you get the idea. "DRAGON-BOX" you know... ^^  Imagine this in better graphical quality please. ;)
Perhaps without the middle box though ... could instead use the half-squares of the 'd' and 'b' chars to make the box.

The middle one makes it read like DOB I think, unless of course the middle box was drawn different graphically from the font of the 'd' and 'b'. That could look nice I think

or same but with a bit smaller dragon head;

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@FZERO: Looks too much like some kind of Gothic semi-neofascist Hell's Angels tattoo club to my taste.
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I swear i saw cross on this logo. :P .

btw. i think logo should be made as lo-res pixelart [max 3-color] and then adopted as logo on P2 cover. Even modyfing old OP logo and reduce res to pixelart like would be perfect.. why complicate things?

I think that logo should be tightly related with retro [gaming]. I feel that dragon-logo will always remind me dragon-balm or asian food :D . Dragons are tight related with asian culture, so it might even be unfortunate for ED to name the console with dragon prefix. Im sure that mst people will connect this with "made in china" label instantly.. 


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Dragons are cool sometimes, I've liked loads of dragons.  "Dragon" typically is not.  I really don't like Pyragon, that's already too many other things to me, and they're all bad things.

How does Raileath sound?
I thought that one was an opening box myself, but if a dpad, perhaps a more obvious dpad like this:
