There are various readmes within the zip file which should explain this stuff. The only real hurdle is installing the driver for Windows - it is provided by Microsoft in a .cab file, but you seem to need to extract it by hand. It should be all documented in the readmes though, in particular I included the documentation from the Linux kernel which explains how to extract the driver.
I would distribute the driver, it would make life a lot easier, but it's by Microsoft so that wouldn't be legal. Personally I'm actually using a different system now, which uses an open source driver - I might get round to uploading this method sometime, I'd like to figure out how to coax more than 30kbytes/second out of it first though!
I don't know anything about the archive, but the zip I uploaded to my web site has three READMEs in it - I suggest you download it and read them, even if you want to use the binaries from the archive version for some other reason.