I think a "Developed for Pyra" splash-text is a little less wordy but still ambiguous enough. It could be developed for Pyra, but ported to other things. Of course, "Developed exclusively for Pyra" means you're only distributing the dbp or what not._wb_ said:What about an intro sequence that says "Developed non-exclusively for Pyra"?
I still think it is a bit much. if you are going to do it anyway, yes, she needs red hair. I like the hair of the second one on the first row, and the garment of the first one on the second row (that one also is my second favorite of the hairstyles shown for this type of image; I can't tell what is going on with the feet on that one, but I like it better than the boots and the leg warmers).I'll do a little work on the red and green haired ones. (Are those also the favorite hair styles/colors?)
The gods are people too, and not all of 'em are "sexy", by whatever standard one uses.I agree that "sexy" is probably not the connotation we want to have with the Pyra (for once it'd be nice to sell a product apart from sex appeal, I suppose!), though I hope to keep the nearly-Greek-goddess type feel.
Maybe it can be used as the boot screen or something.I like a tastefully done splash screen, but maybe that's just me. (Lighting a flame in hand seems pretty cool to me, too.) Some don't seem to be too tasteful in hindsight, but taste is a subjective thing.
Most of those are a licensing requirement I guess. I don't have an issue with intro screens provided they can be skipped (assuming it isn't using the display time to load the game in the background), but on disc-based consoles, I hate those splash starts you have to wait through, and the disc only spins up after they've faded to black...grr!You mean a logo screen before the application launches? I usually hate those, you already get too much of them on games these days, and it's utterly pointless.some community based opening intro sequences, for games homebrewed for the Pyra
And do understand that I'll write a utility that enables people to remove it from software they put on their pyra if that's even remotely possible. DO NOT WANT. It was bad enough having to sit through interminable splash screens for competition entries, I don't want to have the same image popping up every time I start an app or game.Create what you want until it's possible to disable AND IS WITHOUT SOUND
That was what I meant when I saidPerhaps this sort of thing would be better on a game's menu screen? Something like this:
<game name><new game><load a save game><options><credits>Created for the Dragonbox Pyra<Pyra mascot><Pyra picture>
It can even be animated, and it won't make everyone hate the Pyra/Pyra homebrew.Maybe a little logo with the title of this thread in the corner of the start/title screen would be less annoying.
I can't think of anything that would turn me off a product faster...How about to show such a splash screen only in the non Pyra versions together with the text: get a Pyra to remove this annoying splash screen![]()