How about a limited edition of vintage '80s beige (Amiga 500) !?!?
It was discussed and voted on, yet is still only the preference of a few people. I can't remember if the minimum case run size was shared, however I am pretty sure it is more than a dozen or two, so it may not be financially feasible for ED. Maybe ask for clear and paint it beige.
I wish I could pre order now... but I have to watch the pennies for the next couple months... will pre orders still be open in two months*?
I should be out of dire straights by then...
*No, I do not mean indefinitely. ..
And it is hard to save those pennies if something comes up...
But still, everytime I read someone saying (s)he needs it in black to look professional or decent etc.,
I need it in black or grey so I can hide in dark corners while watching you.

Really, I just prefer plain and simple colors. If it is going to be a "fun" color there are only a few that I like, including some bright greens, hot pink, and a handful of translucent colors. I am pretty sure those choices wouldn't be popular enough, so I support black/dark grey (what I may get), dark red (if I like it I will get it), and clear (fun as it is, and can be made any other color).
Of course, if vantablack could happen (affordably) I would want that.
Thanks ED. That's all I needed to hear. One question before I order: Does the LTE/4G SIM slot replace the internal microSD slot?
@sadata One slot to rule them both (at the same time). Well, it's more a two-slot-combo. There's somewhere a pic around. Maybe in the presskit or in the gallery?
I believe it is shown in the overview video. They look like 2 little metal flippy frames in the battery compartment (he probably mentions them when it is shown).
AWWW YEAH can't wait to get mine
i cant wait to get yours either! eh
I have no choice but to wait... I can't afford to fly to Germany and steal a prototype.
@Djoga'Ro @sadata here is a picture of the microSD and SIM card stuff