I for one think using the burn-in boards to send Pandoras for press reviews is a good use of them. The Pandora remains a one-of-a-kind device despite the delays, but we're also seeing a lot of devices with similar internal components coming out on the market as smartphones (Nokia N900, et al.) and internet tablets over the next few months. It's a critical time to draw attention to the Pandora. Once the press realizes the device is actually done and available by the thousands (in the 2nd run), it will gain a lot of interest that has been built up in anticipation of the whole platform and chipset. It would really be the perfect time for press reviews if they appeared before the end of the year, and before the holiday season.
Also, if those boards went to the very first customers who ordered, it's kind of not cool. They've put in time and had a lot of patience throughout the project, and IMO they shouldn't get the testing boards as a reward for that.
Anyway, I'm excited and would help if I lived in Dallas. But I don't.