Note that it is legal not to wear face-masks in the open air (the 1.5 meter rule still applies though).
Mixed bag of reasons, I'll skim over them.
Some because our government fell and they are still governing as a demissionary government (with some suggestions by said government that they will not hold elections due to corona, which both combined means people thing this is a coup). The Prime Minister also said
under oath he would do things above the law, which itself is well, undemocratic to say the least and some want him at tribunals. The government is now pursuing curfew and press is not getting a real answer how this actually helps. Our press is very divided into blatant pro-vaccine propaganda campains disguised as programs, and covert teaching the population how to rebel (or at least how to protest with the current technology - be like water, mobile sculptures with air, etc).
Why did the Dutch Government fell? Well, get a politics/worldnews thread open and
I'll tell you there. We also got promised there wont be a corona-passport, but it's in the investigation phase.
We also are still pissed at the fact our referendum, the one legal way to stop the government doing what it wants instead of doing what the majority wants has been abolished.
Extended lockdowns are destroying the small commerce and diners by extending and extending (even though contagion in NL goes down). The big contradiction is that they have no set of rules WHEN it is "save enough" to open again. The injustice is embiggened* by the fact that closing certain type of shops seems random, while other stay open, with the same influx of customers. This is not a "2 maximum customers", this is totally closed. Combine this with the fact that these businesses will get LOANS (which they will need to pay back) while still having to pay rent (like 4000 euro a month for a small business) and you can see that this money will not magically be payed back. Some started selling all their furniture, their kitchen and coolers, so basically eating up their life savings.
Most Dutch are not affected by all this, so they do not (want to) understand why some are upset.
People that saw all the dead people, people that got illnesses due to a quick gene therapy vaccine. While each government issued statement says it's "very safe". While we get letters from townhalls, hospitals that it's recommended and safe, but they do and will not take any responsibility.
The thing was too quick to market, all normal illnesses (where the bigger number of deaths are) are getting less priority.
Some are antivax, others only anti-this-vaccine-only. Some feel the definitions slip into that it will be mandatory (it won't, you just will get impediments, for now). We still have good journalism, but they spew out figures that the acceptance of vaccination is getting higher is actually offset by independant polls that the acceptance is actually getting lower (not as low as in, say, France). Also, they have teams that post in antivax articles, so much that it's not fun to read comment anymore. Much of this is due to
- antiNWO/anti-great-economic-reset
Suddenly there are new laws passed where, we the people, have no say in. It basically transfers part of the control to Brussels(E.U.) as WHO imposes things, these orders trickle down into each European country, without any self-ruling. Note that the Dutch voted against joining the E.U. years ago, and the government overruled us. As we read the plans of think-tanks, like the WEF, it's just not that sunny at the other side.
We still have a large group of protesters that were there protesting against nuclear waste, nuclear bombs, wars, etc. And a group of young people, that want to belong to something important. Those are represented too (as you can see from the pics, it's old, middle aged and young people. Fortunately no Children).
- We don't like the Amsterdam mayor
She, during lockdown, walked with us for BLM, but this manifestation (not a demonstration) was not allowed. Sounds an awful lot like USA's situation, right?
It means that you can manifest againts crimes happening anywhere on earth, except local ones.
*embiggened is a perfectly cromulent word.