Commercial Games

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Age Of Empires 2 please! Even if that's impossible :P

One problem I see is potential loss of $$. What if the games don't sell? We'll play them alright, but what if they don't sell? The entire project could fall flat on it's face, couldn't it?
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'Ze_ro' said:
Some great suggestions in this thread already. What about some of the games that Loki Software previously ported to Linux. I'm not sure who owns the rights and source code to these games, but there are some diverse and high-quality titles there like Alpha Centauri, SimCity 3000, Decent 3, etc. And since Loki was able to get the rights to do these ports, chances are, the original owners are at least willing to talk.
This. I would pay good money to have Simcity 3000 on my Pandora.
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Craig, I think it's an excellent idea. I love homebrew gaming, but dammit, sometimes I just want to ooze in the production values and polished beauty of a commercial game. Yes, it's nice to show off and be shown off to.
I say experiment with smaller games that have cult followings and dedicated developer teams. If you experience success with that, maybe try purchasing rights or securing ports of defunct companies games, unused IP, and stuff of that ilk. Then maybe move even bigger, but each one is a just another step so if it doesn't work it's easy to back out.

Also, 2 things to keep in mind:
1. Oscaruzzos post
2. There are a lot of very good suggestions in this thread. Don't skip over them.
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One thing that would be nice would be a port (possibly with improved graphics, as I think the Pandora could handle them) of the old Rage Software game Expendable. It was a lot of fun, had a two-player hot-seat mode (which would probably switch to a two-player LAN mode or be dropped entirely), and looked great (at least, it did when it was released).
Along with the numerous games mentioned already in this thread, I'd love to see ports of some Smilebit games like Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and The Typing of the Dead.
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Surprisingly I haven't seen anyone mention Braid yet - it's coming out for the pc in a month, and I'm pretty sure there was a linux version being developed.

For mass media popularity, I think something like Starcraft, or as others have mentioned: WoW.
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'gp2xs' said:
LucasArts’ Star Wars TIE Fighter:
An excellent game that could demonstrate the benefits of Pandora’s control scheme and hardware specs.
Oooh, seconded - or X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter, or X-Wing... pretty much any oif that series of games I'd have thought could be great :D and look unlikely without the original studio being involved.
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Metal Arms and World of Goo are exellent choises. I personally would like some game with a big online part, maby an online rpg. Even if it´s not opensource ppl could still do mods and new areas/missions etc to it.Could also be a meeting place for fellow Pandora owners, with chatrooms, avantars etc.

Will be following this one with entusiasm!
I'd like to see (in random order):
Heroes MM III or PalmHeroes
Half Life
Original War []
Star Craft
FallOut 1 and 2
Total Anihilation
Wizardy 7
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If I were to just stab at what kind of commercial games I'd like to see, I'd have to say mostly indie games (2D boy as mentioned before, yuan works... maybe contract them to make an exclusive title, apex designs, maybe drudge vektar out again, or take the idea and run with it a little more, cave story, sure you may not have to really pay the guy, but why not throw him a nice donation for letting someone port it anyways?), as it's an indie system, why not fuel it with indie blood ;) Putting my indie-loving obsession aside, I'd also be interested in stuff like Conkers Bad Fur Day, Trip'd (from the 3DO, one of my favorite old puzzle games), and maybe try for bioshock mobile... or slowly work your way up by trying one by one to find just one game of each genre (one fps, one racer, one strategy, etc., etc.) this would allow you to cater to a wider range of tastes, maybe not giving everyone exactly what they want, but something close. I can't wait to see if some of the already suggested as going to be ported stuff like Qwak actually makes it to Pandora, and would be interested to see if rapid racoon wound up making an appearance... If I had to be totally unrealistic, I'd say a MGS, Castlevania, and a final fantasy or other classic hit RPG... some of blizzards older titles would be cool, like a remade blackthorne or starcraft... and ideally, an evil dead game similar to blackthorne, but 1000X more awesome and with a perfectly intuitive and natural control scheme... I'm sure I could go on, but realistically, I'm just blathering on about what I would want, not what would further the pandora, or what the community wants, so I'll stop ;)
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I would LOVE to see a pandora port of Re-Volt, probably one of my favourite racing games ever!

It was bought byCODE
Throwback Entertainment when Acclaim went bust, and they seem like the perfect type of company for licensing old-ish awesome games off.

-edit- i found a review of it:
I think most of the people here have lost the core question of the original post, which was more or less in this form

"we have some spare money; should we spend it to make some software house port their games on pandora, or should we spend it in some other ways"?
I do like this world of goo idea.

It looks to be the kind of game which would show off our high res screen and graphics power really well.
I'd like to see the Telltale games hit the pandora. (might be wishfull thinking but what the heck) Just imagine wallace and grommit on your pandora :)
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'craigix' said:
I do like this world of goo idea.

It looks to be the kind of game which would show off our high res screen and graphics power really well.
World of Goo is a very popular game amongst gamers and non gamers. I have it on the Wii..and it is truely a masterful, creative game. If it was ported with added bonuses on the Pandora...or perhaps they decided to create an exclusive sequel... it would attract attention.
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World of goo looks indeed nice.

But a prerequisite will be to have an efficient implementation of ODE using NEON instead of floats. Or else it will never run at an acceptable speed.



Mentions World of goo uses ODE.


The ODE site.
Does it matter if it's Console or PC?
If not the games I would have to nominate would be
Age of Empires 2 (PC)
Xwing vs Tie fighter/Tie Fighter/Xwing/Xwing Alliance (PC)

I think if you could get Lucas Arts to develop anything for the Pandora It would emerge Commercially
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