Cases, colors and emails


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
This will be a short but nice newspost - it's 3am already, and I'm trying to get at least a bit of sleep these days (after having two weeks with almost no sleep since the preorders started...)

But I think nevertheless, you'll like it.

The main hardware

First up: Nikolaus is on a relaxing holiday this week, so there won't be much coming from him right now.
Most of the hardware has been tested though, tons of software bugs have been squished (which prevented us to test the hardware properly!) with quite some help with the TI kernel guys, we're on the finish line of the hardware design!

The plan is to have everything fixed by middle / end of June. That includes implementing the hardware changes into the PCB design files, so that we can order the PCBs afterwards (production of those will take about 6 weeks).

Thanks to the preorders, parts with a long leadtime will be ordered upfront, so that they should arrive together with the PCBs as well.
After a quick test run, we will be ready to start the mass production anytime them (so hopefully August / September).


While we will hurry, we will not rush. So if there is something within the hardware we need to confirm to be working first, we will do that, even if it delays things a bit.
In the end, I don't think you all want Pyras with a serious hardware issue, but would rather wait a bit longer, right?

The case

Tweakings of the case are almost done.
According to my contact in Greece, they will most likely be produced next week (or shortly after), in different colors.
This will be the time when we can assemble more prototypes and make pictures of the colors, so we all can decide which one we'll take (black will be one, that's for sure).

I can't wait for those :)

The prototype orders

Speaking of prototypes: When we receive the cases, I'll send mails to all prototype orders asking what they would like.
We will be able to build prototypes, but the won't have the final keymat yet and not the new touchscreen.
They will also have some minor hardware faults which will be fixed for the final release.

You will be able to choose whether you still want one of those (it's a pretty neat collectors item) or whether you want to wait until we do the quick test run (which will still be before the mass production happens), as that would be an almost final unit - but of course, you would still get the case in the color you've chosen, so it will always be something special :)

Do we have enough money?

Well... I got a confusing answer for you: Yes, we have enough money to produce 1000 units and no, we don't have enough money for those yet.

While this sounds confusing, here's a quick explanation:

As you know, the Preorders come with a downpayment only. That money will be needed to do a downpayment for the production itself. But some parts already need to be paid in full in advance.

Once we have about 900 preorders, we have enough funds from the downpayment to start a full production of 1000 units.

But you might ask: What will happen if we don't reach 900 preorders?
Well, no worries:
Then we'll split the production into two batches of 500 units.

We can easily fund the production of 500 units already, and once we receive the final payments for only 100 of them, we can already fund the production of the next 500 units.
So that would mean, there would be a short break of about 3 - 4 weeks after the first 500 units have been delivered, then we'll continue with the rest.

But I think, once we receive the final prototypes and I'll make more videos with those, we'll receive more preorders, so we probably don't need to split the production into two batches.

emails... and replies...

I have to admit: I'm far behind with those.... sorry for everyone who is still waiting for one.
I'm only one guy, trying to fight myself through my normal job, the shop and the emails I receive right now.

Thankfully, for the shop I got help, but there are still many things I need to do myself.

Next week, I'm on holidays - which means: I'll have time to reply to the emails.
I'm planning to catch up with all of them! I will not forget you!
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Yeah, promotion is kind of by the back door at the moment, to my sense. Things should be much easier to push once more videos are up of it actually doing stuff. And once the prototype units get out there and videos start getting made of software running on those, I think things will really kick up a gear.
The plan is to have everything fixed until middle / end of June. That includes implementing the hardware changes into the PCB design files, so that we can order the PCBs afterwards (production of those will take about 6 weeks).

Everything's going to be un-fixed in June? That seems somewhat counter productive. ;)
(Edit: I think you mean "by", not "until") :-)

Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to seeing the case colour selections.

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I've chosen those that looked like they could be decent
That's good then. :^)
On a really quick look, I couldn't see any mention of specific colors (and don't recall reading about any), but you said something about 5 samples with 2 of them being custom color mixes, so that's cool.
The colors and especially the custom mixes are gonna be a nice surprise for all of us if you don't remember either.:D
I forgot... I've chosen them when I was in Greece in January. It could be I mentioned that here in a newspost :)
I've chosen those that looked like they could be decent :D
Are any of those a dark grey (see God Ginrai's post below), or something other than "just black" for the black option. You said something about having sparkliness a metallic look added to the plastic to make it more visually appealing, and I don't know if black will get that.
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Not only black, but I think the red that we've been seeing up until now should be a choice as well. Seeing it in red all this time, only for it not to be a color choice would be kinda weird.
@AVahne I figure red and black are the two most likely colors. When ED visited the case company he took a picture of the color choices, and it looked like the red options were the ones being written down.

I am probably fine with either (dark) red or black, although I would like to see pictures before picking one.

Edit: Also, the origin of the Pyra name is red. It is one of the top choices in the polls, too.
I forgot... I've chosen them when I was in Greece in January. It could be I mentioned that here in a newspost :)
I've chosen those that looked like they could be decent :D

Please tell me one of those is similar to this:


Or that there is some possibility to get this. I'd pay extra for this color.

-God Ginrai
that red one and wood grain looking one would look great to me but im just happy to get one
This reminded me of EDs post when he went to Greece to visit the case manufacturer. He posted some pics of the available textures and colors.

ie this post :

That was the post and picture I was refering to when I mentioned the reds being written down. Thanks for putting it here.

I also liked the wood grain, I just doubt how well it would stand up to wear. If it was just the interior, around the keyboard, it might look nice. On the exterior it will look worse with scratches or when worn through than a solid color plastic. The glossy brushed metal looks nice, with the same doubts.

I just noticed that the "wood grain" you guys were talking about may not have been the burl (bur?) looking pieces. I mean the burl, not the look of the wood grain on the cup holder (which might also be nice).
IMO it should look especially distinctive from a 1GHz Pandora, ruling anything silver out of the choices for me at least.
Does that include the carbon fiber or whatever that is supposed to be on that arm rest or whatever it is?