British Meet-up

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I agree with Lurch ECTS might be a bit to hectic for a decent meet. But its somthing we're all intrested in and if we meet each other and decide we cant stand each other we can go do our own thing if it goes well we can arange a meet some where more relaxing where we can grab a drink, geek-talk, swap some ideas about homebrew games, maybe put some game teams together & play some RF GP32 games. for later in the year ??
if its rhyl your after im sure the new gaffer of the scooner would let us use some part of his pub if it was mid week low season.
He does a cracking breakfast too :P

seriously though I think it is a bit much for everyone south of the watford gap to find Rhyl (its down the A55 on the North Wales coast)

maybe somewhere off the M6, M40 or M1 with good rail or national express service would be good. Wolverhampton isnt too far off the M6.
Dont know where it could be held though.
How about Bath. Alot of train services go there from all over. Its fairly big but simple to get around and its close to wales which seems to be the most popular location so far. And to top it all off its the home of Future publishing among others.
Why don't we play pin the location on the map (if someone can be arsed to make something to do it).

You all click where you live in the applet, it adds up all the locations and works out where the equidistant point for all of us is. Then choose the nearest big-ish city nearby for transport stuff...
i don't mind where....

lurch... i like your home town best..... im in crewe area so only 15mins away ;)

but the most important think to me is the time..

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Bath sounds like a great idea actually. Easy to get to from a lot of places, and a nice enough place too... I'm definitely up for it...

It's looking quite popular, but what do others think?

I think it would have to be on a weekend, preferably on a saturday, as most people are off work etc (though if lots of people have saturday jobs, then we may have to recheduile, or they may have to get a day off :)).

I'll bring along my tablet PC with a load of GP32 stuff on, along with a SMC PCMCIA reader/writer, so if anyone wants files etc then I can just bung them straight off my tablet onto SMC. If anyone wants to, then we could bring CDs full of stuff too which can easily be transferred to the tablet for putting on pelples SMCs.

I'll also be bringing my digital camera and my digital camcorder to record the event for posterity. I'll probably be getting a website up and running in the days after just for the purposes of putting the records of the days events on-line. I'll get together the website beforehand so I can post arrangements/times/meeting places and all that stuff for people to keep up to speed on it all.

I'm actually getting quite excited about alll this, and I hope we can get a good turn out. It has the potential to be a really good laugh, but also very constructive. If any of the developers out there come then I'm sure that people will have suggestions for you (not to put you off!!!).

Anyway - will be back with more soon....
I'm definately up for it if its in Bath, although I don't know the area well. Seeing as I suggested it I might take on the responsibility of looking for a suitable venue.

Am I right in thinking that people would prefer it if this meet up was schechuledfor a few months time rather than a couple of weeks? Just people are probably going to need time to re-arrange work commitments, and travel arragements. Some of us are going to want to save up some £.
I dont think we should leave it too long... you know what it's like when you leave something... the interest tends to fizzle out a bit. (and lets make the most of the summer :D)

I reckon up to about a month away would be cool.

What do people think?
Just checked the calender and it seems 16th august seems to fall about a month away-that's fine for me.The 30th august is the next alternative for me.How does that fit with everyone else?

Bath,16th august. B)
Preferably under a month away purely from my PoV since I ain't here 9th-29th August... But soon anyways :)

Bath, I have no idea about - depends how easy it is to get to! Suspect its a coach-from-Victoria job. Anyone know the cheapest transport there from London?
I think the 16th is A-level results day + I've got all of august booked for other things, one of them going to newcastle.
September would've been better really, but then I start Uni then so....whatever, its just going to be one day so I suppose I can work around it.
I'll find out how much brighton to bath costs on the train and get back to you.
If it's a lot then I may need more than a month to save up some £'s ;)

But bath seems like a good choice of location anyway :)
I'll find out how much brighton to bath costs on the train and get back to you.

Brighton to Bath Spa - Apex return on the train (book by day before and specify train times) - £25.00.

No point going by coach on this one cos you gotta go via heathrow airport!!!

Bath, I have no idea about - depends how easy it is to get to! Suspect its a coach-from-Victoria job. Anyone know the cheapest transport there from London?

London Paddington to Bath Spa - Apex Return as above - £18.50

By National Express from Victoria - £15.00

may as well go by train - only takes about 1hr 20 mins!

We'll work out times closer to the event, but I would have thought it's worth making a day of it, and having a quite big window for meeting times.

Also, if you want to, everyone can give me mobile numbers in confidence if you want, so I can gove people a ring to make sure they're still coming if they dont turn up on time. That way, we'll only be waiting around if we have to.

Sounding like 16th 23rd or 30th of August are popular at the moment.

Sound good?
sorry welsh guys, but A, Wales sucks ass (most boring place I've ever been to) and B, ECTS is in london. So I'm in aggreement with London for a GP session but hey if people dont wanna travel then perhaps welsh guys should meet, then londoners meet and then we run comps against each other

just a thought

take care and happy gaming


ps any of you on XBOX LIVE?
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