Release Blender

Thank you. Blender on pandora is a very nice experiment.

I still hope for a native GLES-Port of the BlenderPlayer (this is basically Blender itself) so we could make a bunch of GLES-Games without too much programming. Someone here worked on it.

Hey, ptitSeb, you could change one specific option in the preferences for your next release? [x] Emulate Numpad, so number buttons switch the perspective instead of layers.

A small question: Where is Cycles in this new 2.65a-Release? ;) Just a joke...

Nobody needs cycles on a handheld... But it would be very impressive:

- "Hey, whazzzup! Ya know Blender?"

- "Yup!"

- "Know Cycles?"

- "Yup. Its great but needs a beefy computer"

- "I know, but take a look. I rendered a global illuminated architectural visualisation in my pocket while we had a beer!"

- "! pretty image but a the same time pretty useless ;)"

- "True... True..."
Thanks for the comments.

About the option, I'll take a look. But all can be setup with the Setup menu, and save config works (you may have to first "Maximize" the Blender Window to show the button Save), and even localization works (just switch it to french).

For the GLES, I know, I tried to compile it, but no luck for now: blender finaly compiled but the windows flashs and then ... Segfault  :(  . And I can't link blenderplayer for now. I've made a break from blender and will come back to it later...

For Cycles, I wanted to include it, but it needs OpenImageIO. This library is x86 only, there a few assembler procedure, I have to look at it. If there are just a few, I'll add Cycles next times, just for fun.
Its .. not .. fast.  And on my original #008 Pandora .. sorta .. not .. usable.  But okay, its a good start.  I guess this is one of those times when we wish we had a real GL->GLES shim layer to use .. 
I got it to *start* with my shim, but I'm missing glWritePixels and the GL_SELECT mode (which seems to be how the interface is used). I think I'd have more luck with the player than the editor.
Its .. not .. fast.  And on my original #008 Pandora .. sorta .. not .. usable.  But okay, its a good start.  I guess this is one of those times when we wish we had a real GL->GLES shim layer to use .. 
I got it to *start* with my shim, but I'm missing glWritePixels and the GL_SELECT mode (which seems to be how the interface is used). I think I'd have more luck with the player than the editor.
Do you want blenderplayer to play with or you already compiled it? I dind't put it on PND because Player with Software rendering is just useless.
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Here is the blenderplayer

It is the version 2.65a, I assume it needs the same environment that blender to run (so python 3 and a bunch of libs)...

Good luck, if you can hardware accelerate that, that will be great !


I try to make it hardware accelerate from time to time. But no luck from now...
Just read some of your updates in the "what software is missing" thread. It's a shame it won't work (yet) but props for your effort. It is appreciated.
So, finaly, I have a build of blender that seems to works well enough on glshim.

I added glRendeMode(GL_SELECT) to glshim, and now you can actually select things in the 3D View :)

Note that multi-window is still not supported, so I commented out (in Blender code), the 2 functions that seems to spawn new window: "User Preference..." and "Duplicate Window". For User preference, it's still accessible by "mutating"(?) the main windows from 3DView to User Pref with the lower left Icon...

Build 04


  • Switched to Blender v2.68
  • Removed old Blender v2.49b
  • Hardware accelerated!

Enjoy some real Blender on Go :)
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Love the idea of Blender on the go! Wondering if you've ever gotten around to fiddling with an updated version. I've got a Rebirth with Firmware R1.73, with the 4.10 SGX driver. Other than the UI artifacts as expected, I notice when I try going into user preferences, the font gets completely screwed up and then I can't read anything, as if it's expecting a font that doesn't exist properly and is just rendering blobs where letters are supposed to be. Been a while since we've seen an update, just poking curiosity, since I am amazed at how fast the 3d view is, which means this could actually be viable for some Blendering on the go with a few more tweaks!
Love the idea of Blender on the go! Wondering if you've ever gotten around to fiddling with an updated version. I've got a Rebirth with Firmware R1.73, with the 4.10 SGX driver. Other than the UI artifacts as expected, I notice when I try going into user preferences, the font gets completely screwed up and then I can't read anything, as if it's expecting a font that doesn't exist properly and is just rendering blobs where letters are supposed to be. Been a while since we've seen an update, just poking curiosity, since I am amazed at how fast the 3d view is, which means this could actually be viable for some Blendering on the go with a few more tweaks!
Yeah, I had some isue with the options screen (it's in fact another window, with another GL context, and had issue sharing them). I had an updated build but with mostly the same issue but I'll try to update the pnd one day.
Just wanted to say I love this PND, I have been learning Blender and use the Pandora to view and share my files with colleagues. Great job!
New build on the repo. I haven't updated blender (but 2.76 seems to works, and 2.78 also), because I need to copy my code to avoid window (as the gl4es and LIBGL_FB=1 or 3 still doesn't like the multiple context it create).

The fresh build seems to work fine.
On 1st post, I also put a video of Blender on my gigahertz Pandora.

Build 05

  • Fresh build
  • Updated libs
  • Switched to gl4es