#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NEON
void *copy_gl_pointer_color_bgra(void *ptr, size_t width, size_t skip, size_t count) {
// this one only convert from BGRA (unsigned byte) to RGBA FLOAT
unsigned char* src = (unsigned char*)ptr;
int stride = 0;
if (! src || !(count-skip))
return NULL;
if (! stride)
stride = 4;
void* out = malloc(4*sizeof(float)*(count-skip));
float* dst = (float*)out;
src += skip*(stride);
static const float d = 1.0f/255.0f;
for (int i=skip; i<count; i++) {
#if defined(NEON) && defined(__ARM_NEON__)
int lsrc = *(int*)src;
lsrc = (lsrc&0xff00ff00) | ((lsrc&0x00ff0000)>>16) | ((lsrc&0x000000ff)<<16);
asm volatile (
"vmov s12, %1 \n\t" // because you cannot vmovl.u8 d6, s11
"vmovl.u8 q3, d6 \n\t" // Expand to 16-bit (so unsetuped s13 is expanded in d7)
"vmovl.u16 q3, d6 \n\t" // Expand to 32-bit, ignoring expanded d7
"vcvt.f32.u32 q3, q3 \n\t" // Convert to float
"vmul.f32 q3, q3, %y2 \n\t" // Normlize
"vst1.f32 {q3}, [%0]! \n\t" // Store, next
:"+r"(dst) :"w"(lsrc), "w"(d)
: "q3", "memory"
const unsigned char b = src[0], g = src[1], r = src[2], a = src[3];
*dst++ = r*d;
*dst++ = g*d;
*dst++ = b*d;
*dst++ = a*d;
return out;