Your Favorite Mame Games

I've managed to get to the 3rd stage (Or Quarterfinal i think it is)

I've obviously worked out you win by either having less 'balls' on your side when the time runs out or by pelting him with all of yours and getting rid of all of them.

I keep a close eye at the bottom to make sure i'm not about to be hit but also on the other character. If i hit him once i quickly keep throwing one at a time at him and he stays stunned and i win the round.

What i also do is to pick up one ball, go to one side and throw it and do the same for the other side. That way it seems that if he does stun me with a shot he doesnt have enough time to go to the other side to win the round by throwing the final ball at me as it takes too long. I get 'unstunned' and can then carry on

The addictiveness of this game is great, so thankful Fade mentioned this game.

Its such a laugh and the bonus rounds are very good as well. Determined to get past that 3rd round !
Bubble Bobble
Bank Panic

Haven't tested any yet as I'm still trying to get the correct .34 roms

Sorry psj3809, I didn't realise you could post without logging in. KaiserPC is my newer net alias that i have been using (but obviously not on this site :-) ). The reason for the name KaiserPC is because I'm remaking the classic c64 game kaiser for XP (see
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psj3809 posted on Mar 10 2005 at 11:26 AM said:
gearhead23 posted on Mar 10 2005 at 11:20 AM said:
Black tiger...don't think it works in the current version of gpmame :(

Thats a strange one as on Franxis website it has a screenshot of mame running with Black Tiger on it but if you look at the working roms list...

Its not on there at all.

I remember Franxis said that Black Tiger loads... and then in a few seconds resets the GP32... so it's not compatible right now.

Great game.
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Some more games to try...

Speed Rumbler - Fraction slow but still very playable. Bit like Spy Hunter/Commando. Drive around in your car killing the enemy and also get out of your car to shoot them

Exed Exes - Very good vertical shoot em up, good speed

Vulgus - Another very good smooth vertical shoot em up

Legendary Wings - Very good vertical shoot em up, excellent

Section Z - Good Side Arms type game

Solomans Key - Classic puzzle type game

Star Force - As mentioned earlier, a nice vertical shoot em up

Juno First - Nice Konami retro shooter

Road Fighter - Could be good, a bit dull vertical racing game

Circus Charlie - Addictive game similar to...

Jungle King - Simple, different levels, good laugh

Water Ski - Just like Alpine Ski, vertical scrolling game, not bad
APB for me Officer Bob and Doughnuts, reminds me of the Simpsons. It's a shame there isn't anyway of sticking a steering wheel to me GP32. OH well!!!!!!!!
does anyone know of any footbal (soccer) games that work for mame? and also a link to where i can get a working track and field rom. the one from doesnt work.
matt goode posted on Mar 12 2005 at 08:37 PM said:
does anyone know of any footbal (soccer) games that work for mame? and also a link to where i can get a working track and field rom. the one from doesnt work.

C`mon, You should know not to ask for roms. <_<

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trooper posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
matt goode posted on Mar 12 2005 at 08:37 PM said:
does anyone know of any footbal (soccer) games that work for mame? and also a link to where i can get a working track and field rom. the one from doesnt work.

C`mon, You should know not to ask for roms. <_<


oh darn! :unsure: PM me some please trooper?
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im sorry, dont know what came over me then, went a bit mad for a few minutes. the only game ive ogt to work is that penguin war one which is bloody fun, got into the finals then got beaten. anyone completed penguin game? oh yeah and is there a way to pause the games?
§ ~ MATT ~ §
matt goode posted on Mar 12 2005 at 08:04 PM said:
im sorry, dont know what came over me then, went a bit mad for a few minutes. the only game ive ogt to work is that penguin war one which is bloody fun, got into the finals then got beaten. anyone completed penguin game? oh yeah and is there a way to pause the games?
§ ~ MATT ~ §

That is a great game, but winning the final is SUCH a let down.... :angry: Suppose it's all about high scores-this is what we need in the next beta, save states for high scores...... :rolleyes:
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i agree with you completely, as mame is basically about trying to beat your own and other peoples high scores, does anyone know of any good working football games? i really have a urge to play one!
bombjack... just so clever!
1942... if it would only not freeze after stage 1.
gaplus... for which franxis is gonna fix support.

just gettin' into the neogeo catalogue... viewpoint is just plain ill and mslug also rules ofcourse.