[Application] Code::Blocks and CommandLine Compile Everything

You have the latest... I'm still working on next release, but won't be ready soon I'm afraid...

I you don't find -lallegro than something is wrong with the path. Maybe it-s the -L/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib or the -Wl,l=/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib that is missing (it should be added automatically with the hidden "-specs" command, but if you use arm-angstrom-gnueabi-g++ directly, you have to add your-self (or the command -specs=/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/init/cbspecs )
Okay, I'll have a look. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong
I wanted to ask something:

Does your pnd include the automated pnd and pxml creation scripts from sebt3's toolchain?

If not, this might be a really nice addition.
Out of curiousity. If I want to add some includes and libs; where abouts in the appdata folder do I put them?

You can use "local/", it's ready for that (in the appdata/codeblocks/ folder)

Or, if the PND is on a ext2 SDCard, you configure every thing to go in /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/ 
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I don't suppose QtOpenGL and QGLWidget support would be possible with the new OpenGL lib?

Also, I have gotten scons working. Just add the bin, lib, man, and scons-2.2.0 folders from here: pandscons.tar.gz

to codeblocks/usr/

In the individual SConstruct files,

import os
env = Environment( ENV = os.environ )
may be needed.


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I don't suppose QtOpenGL and QGLWidget support would be possible with the new OpenGL lib?

Also, I have gotten scons working. Just add the bin, lib, man, and scons-2.2.0 folders from here:

to codeblocks/usr/

In the individual SConstruct files,

import os
env = Environment( ENV = os.environ )

may be needed.
I already added SCons 2.2.0 for next build.

I'll package a new codeblocks PND soon.
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At last, I have compiled the latest qt4 (4.8.4). It finally worked, and it's a long compilation (almost 2 days), and I first, I had some problems with libpng, but it's fixed now.

There are many demos and cool examples with qt. I will remove them of course, the code blocks pnd is big enough, but may be I can package a few of them ? The browser or the multimedia player looks fully functionnal ?
At last, I have compiled the latest qt4 (4.8.4). It finally worked, and it's a long compilation (almost 2 days), and I first, I had some problems with libpng, but it's fixed now. There are many demos and cool examples with qt. I will remove them of course, the code blocks pnd is big enough, but may be I can package a few of them ? The browser or the multimedia player looks fully functionnal ?
Remove the demos?  I vote NO!

the compressed demos code is going to be small, compared to all those giant binaries.  Please leave in as much demo code as you can find about the place ... or you could include scripts to download it into appdata if you really want to exclude it...   ;)

Well done, by the way :)   This PND gets my vote, it's so useful.
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At last, I have compiled the latest qt4 (4.8.4). It finally worked, and it's a long compilation (almost 2 days), and I first, I had some problems with libpng, but it's fixed now. There are many demos and cool examples with qt. I will remove them of course, the code blocks pnd is big enough, but may be I can package a few of them ? The browser or the multimedia player looks fully functionnal ?
Remove the demos?  I vote NO!

the compressed demos code is going to be small, compared to all those giant binaries.  Please leave in as much demo code as you can find about the place ... or you could include scripts to download it into appdata if you really want to exclude it...   ;)

Well done, by the way :)   This PND gets my vote, it's so useful.
About Demos and Examples for QT4, I'll make a TAR of them, and see the resulting size, and try putting somewhere for downloads (I have no FTP but we'll see). I started watching a movie with the media sample, and it was working nicely (fluid, but it wasn't a difficult movie, just some "standard" normal res movie).
A new PND is uploading. I'm afraid it's bit big, something like 960 Mo !!!

QT4 is inside, but I removed examples and demo, I have a tar (17Mo) of them, I just have to find somewhere to put them (the Compo FTP?). I'm upload to the repo right now, but it takes time.

Another good new, I finaly have a somewhat runing Allegro 5.1 with GLES. The uploading PND will only have Allegro 5.0.8 non-hardware accelerated (sorry, time constraint), but I hope to have a well running allegro very soon !
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