Pandora Code::blocks On The Pandora

Working on it now guys :) Currently trying to get a cross-compile setup going in Windows using CodeSourcery. Previously I had the dev environment in a Linux virtual machine but I'd rather have the speed of native compilation if possible.
Sorry I took so long! Ran into a lot of minor stuff learning this cross-compiling business. Was quite the learning experience xD

I've updated the first post with the download link.
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seems to work nice. Cant give it the optimal test though, i don't have the dev tools on my pandora since it has no direct internet access. And i can't find a proper package with the dev tools. (i don't like the extend trick too much, i swap cards a lot because of the mentioned lack of internet and am bound to forget)

When working with a project on the Pandora using Code::Blocks, where do you recommend storing the project? I'm using the root extend and home extend files. I have it saved on an SDCard ( not the one with the extend fields ) and it keeps giving me errors saying it can't save the files. Any tips? I can edit them with another text editor.
yeah had that too. When i saved in home/me it worked. I am still having trouble trying to get a hello world compiled though, it asks if i want to buid, yes, and then it keeps asking again and again. (and yes i went with the extend way after all)

For clarification, do i need to add the general gcc etc or the arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi ones?
So when you save it to your home directory and are using the home extend file, does it really end up in the home extend file and not on the NAND?

Also I didn't seem to have that problem. I was able to build, but was getting errors because I need to finish converting the program to Opengl ES and ran into the saving issue. Are you using the Dev.Extend as well for your root extend?
Oh i only used the root mount for now, so cannot help you with that one. i have no problem with writing to the nand. I don't think i will be writing the next quake on the pandora ;) so probably not many writes anyway. I'd just like to do some panjoust/minigame editing on the go.
MUMBL35 said:
When working with a project on the Pandora using Code::Blocks, where do you recommend storing the project? I'm using the root extend and home extend files. I have it saved on an SDCard ( not the one with the extend fields ) and it keeps giving me errors saying it can't save the files. Any tips? I can edit them with another text editor.
I just tried and for some reason my SD card is mounting as root.root, meaning the normal user can't write files to it (it is formatted FAT32). C::B is running as normal user so I can't touch the card. Maybe you are having this problem too? I can write to home just fine, which is on NAND but I wouldn't worry about using it for testing. You can do a `ls -la /media` to see if your card is "root.root".

MarkoeZ said:
For clarification, do i need to add the general gcc etc or the arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi ones?
You need a symlink so that just 'gcc' will run. To make sure it's working you can drop to a terminal and type 'gcc' and it should find the compiler. I believe you can 'opkg install gcc-symlinks g++-symlinks cpp-symlinks' and you'll be covered.
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Ok... I tried this the other night and I couldn't find gcc...

It seems that sometimes the extend files don't mount properly. I did this today and now I have TestSuite compiling with Penjin on my Pandora.
EDIT: Doh! linking failed because of no freetype... I can't seem to install using opkg repo either O.o
still having problems with saving to sd card... would thouroughly enjoy an update...


edit:: problem solved by running as root sorry for the bumb