Anybody considering picking up an Oculus Rift..?

to an unhealthy level
That sounds like old-people talk. "Kids are doing things differently from when I was young. I fear change and it needs to stop."Get back to the home, grandpa, I promise to stay off your lawn. :P
^ I think if people were hooked into VR worlds the whole day, everyday, that would be unhealthy for many reasons.  I don't think that's a view that would only be shared by old peeps .  

Everything in moderation is fine of course 
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Imagine a future where most people are addicted to their computer screens and are even hooked wherever they go...wait...oh crap.
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Imagine a future where most people are addicted to their computer screens and are even hooked wherever they go...wait...oh crap.
That's right , it's a problem now, making it much, much worse is not better

As I said, everything in moderation is fine, but it's fair to say it will become a big problem for a percentage (hopefully small) of the population .  It's a moot point of course, as it will happen regardless. ie don't shoot the messenger for making an obvious  point.  I'm all for VR,   I have been from the get go as you can see from my posts in this thread.

The point I was making is that the book "Ready Player One" paints a world where everyone pretty much is hooked on VR and never really leave their houses, I was pointing to that scenario being an issue.   In the book, people are locked up in their houses and spend all day in isolation / floatation tanks.  It's a similar issue as depicted in the movie Surrogates.
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It's both scary and exciting I guess I really mean.  Exciting , because it would be awesome. Scary because , just like in the book , I can see people getting far too absorbed in it - spending all there time in VR worlds, games , travel etc - to an unhealthy level.
I'm getting far too absorbed in my Pandora to an unhealthy level :)
$200 every year , first payment can be made to my paypal account, PM me for details  :P
I still like doing stuff in the real world like playing my minority-instruments, european martial arts and building real stuff out of wood and other materials (no minecraft blocks) and must admit, that I think getting people together for doing real things has becoming way more complicated since virtual socializing (facebook), video games (including virtual sparring/sword fighting and virtual instrument playing....guitar hero) and so on have become mainstream. I get the point and think, that it will definitely get worse with better VR equipment and see the future of mankind somewhat similar to these in some books including Perry Rhodans degenerated Arkonides - most of them never leave VR anymore since machines are doing all neccessary work anyway.

We cannot stop this by nagging about technological advances.

Just tell people, that they should not always choose the easy way in doing things

including using their free time!
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There are so many ways quality consumer level VR could change other pursuits - It's surely only a matter of time, for example, before a handheld 360 degree camera for capturing 3D near-spherical images to view with an Oculus Rift appears. Why would you want to take 'normal' stills or videos, if there was the option of recording what almost appear to be slices of actual space-time you could revisit? Imagine the family photo album, if your parents had owned such a camera, from before your birth!

How to best make a stereo 3D spherical camera is tricky. I think someting like this -

Is probably not the way to go, as fun as it looks!

You'd probably also need it to look something like a walking cane, with a telescopic stand - you'd want to take all your pictures at eye-level, and hands-free so you don't appear in every shot like you're molesting the viewer.
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want to see something exciting and completely boring at the same time!home

exciting = tegra 4 + vr in one device !!

boring = no actual information on the specs and technology for the actual vr stuff. FOV, resolution, response and refresh times etc etc.
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Well, let's see how well it will work with Linux Mint and especially WinXp. ;)

I would be interested then.
Me too, keen to try it.

They got them at Play so I'll hopefully get a little go on one in a few months time