Is the Oculus Rift doomed?

Aaaaand... stepping in to grab some of the recently lost goodwill comes the first (independent, for now!) rival -

Very interesting - it's a combination of the best of both the Rift and Sony's Morpheus - it's new twist is onboard cameras to let you snatch a view of your keyboard/controller/room without taking it off (or maybe for AR use too...). It also has the same load-reducing facility as Morpheus, in that it has a box that handles the image pre-distortion, so both conventional HDMI sources will work directly, and - as they put it -

Hardware acceleration Let Totem do the work, not your computer.

Performance is important and every millisecond counts. We do pre-lens distortion and sensor fusion in hardware. What does that mean? We offload work from your computer so you won't have to buy a new one to play your games in VR.
Also features very large lenses (as does Morpheus, glimpsed briefly in GDC videos), and directional sound positioning, again like Morpheus.
I'll just do it like I do with games and operating systems:

Wait and see what turns out to be the one for me when it's established and properly updated or when there is a gold version of it. :P

Maybe I'll just pass like I did with smartphones though and turn to other stuff.
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Augmented reality hooked to a computer would be awesome.. however I'm getting a heavy rain flashback. Screw it it'd be cool to slap a YouTube video on the wall and have it have postional audio as I type up a story using my hands.. probably look like a maniac but when don't I? ;)

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Augmented reality hooked to a computer would be awesome.. however I'm getting a heavy rain flashback. Screw it it'd be cool to slap a YouTube video on the wall and have it have postional audio as I type up a story using my hands.. probably look like a maniac but when don't I? ;)
People already do with certain tech. It's not going to make much of a difference.
Augmented reality hooked to a computer would be awesome.. however I'm getting a heavy rain flashback. Screw it it'd be cool to slap a YouTube video on the wall and have it have postional audio as I type up a story using my hands.. probably look like a maniac but when don't I? ;)
People already do with certain tech. It's not going to make much of a difference.
yes but its going to be interesting seeing how it advances and evolves. I'd like scfi style where it just looks like sunglasses.. not a massive thing as shown :) either way its a neat idea.

Sent from my Z665C using Tapatalk
The optics required to present a view that you can comfortably look at a screen that's mere inches from your face without getting immediate eye-strain is what makes current units bulky.  To be able to do the same stuff using something no bigger than a pair of aviator sunglasses would need something that can direct the photons that come from the screen, rather than each pixel being a point source as current LCD filters and LEDs are. Perhaps the easiest way to do it is using a similar idea to the 3D effect seen in Nintendo consoles, but with a nanotech engineered filter.  With a fixed filter though, you'd only see it if you focussed on it, which might be a neat idea for a Google Glass type affair, but pretty rubbish for full AR.  To do full AR in that size, you'd need nanotech (or even picotech) engineered little photon guns that could fire photons as if they've come from a distant point, but also be able to fire increasingly fuzzy versions if the image as you focus before or beyond it.  Even cooler, it could project a full 3D environment using different vertices at different depths, but sadly the technology to rapidly detect both orientation and focus depth of human eyes with low enough latency especially in the size constraints required, let alone the little photon guns you'd need are some decades off existing yet.

For now you're stuck with either eyestrain or Oculus-rift sized goggles.  I'm honestly not sure what Google are doing with their Glass though.
I got a little go at the OR the other day :)

Played a game provided by the good guys at Llamasoft, and it was lighter and more comfortable than I imagined it would be. Had to adjust them for a quick second to get the sweet spot so the image wasn't blurry, but then it was fine and the quality of image was nice, only had about 5 to 10 mins on it but didn't strain my eyes at all
I'm late weighing in on this I suppose, but I just wanted to offer my point of view.

I don't touch Facebook, or Yahoo, Twitter, Paypal, most banks, or any other "service" like that, but in some cases with hardware I make exceptions.

I own an iPhone 4S.  It is an excellent device.  I do not agree with many of Apple's business practices, nor Sprint, and I do not pay a monthly service for cellular connection.  However, I purchased this device because I knew I could jailbreak it and full control over the hardware.  Thus, despite what I consider unfriendly intentions, the device I purchased truly became mine, and I was satisfied with my purchase.

I will buy an Occulus Rift, and this Facebook deal doesn't even give me a momentary pause in that decision.  It would be a harder decision if it had a big Facebook logo added, but I am no stranger to repainting plastic shells.  This is a display device, not an OS.  I think many hardware manufacturers should make friendlier business decisions, but I choose to buy hardware.  While I much prefer companies such as to those others, Occulus Rift is far enough ahead of the competition that I will be buying one.

Occulus Rift + Pyra = a portable virtual universe.  Technology is wonderful!  How amazing would a 3D Occulus Rift based Desktop Environment be?  Or just the Occulus version of XBMC!

Where's the button to skip ahead to the point where I receive these devices?