So, since this is now devolving into yet another keyboard thread, albeit an after-the-fact one, there is one thing that I've been wondering about for quite some time, especially considering the sometimes fierce debate on the whole best possible One True keyboard layout question:
How hard would it actually be for an interested party to make their own keymat, with all the keys in the places they want? What would that entail? Is there a way people could make their own custom keymats using, say, a 3D printer? Or some other machine or set of tools that's within the reach of the common person?
The keymat needs to be flexible and AFAIK it's made of rubber. I think that makes it unsuitable for 3D printing, but I may be wrong on that count and I've seen on a number of occasions how some people in this forum have amazing insights into all sorts of different technical fields, including manufacturing.
If there was a way for people to make their own keymats, it might go some way to making those who have serious gripes with the finalized layout happier. And even if it's very technically involved, there might still be someone capable and interested in making custom keymats and perhaps selling them to interested Pyra owners. A small after market, independent of the official Pyra distribution channels and based on the - often pretty amazing - community of enthusiasts could grow this way.
EDIT: I apologise if this idea has been discussed before. I did not read all of the keyboard layout discussion threads, because... well, frankly, I have a job and a family... ;-)