All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

Have the remaining cases shipped from China yet? If not when are they due to leave? And if they have, what is their ETA? Thanks!

Fatih is currently organising the pickup.

The contract was to make 4000 boards in the first batch. ED told us a good bit of this time that he didn't trust what CC was saying and doing and was basically giving us the worst case scenario. I truthfully think that CC does not owe this community or OPT an explanation for doing what they did. They did produce 900 boards and didn't get paid.

Oh, they have been paid. We pay them within 30 days after they deliver the boards.

But if they continued to produce the boards without being able to deliver them because they didn't have nubs, they wouldn't have been paid for those.

If we didn't manage to get working nubs or went bust on the way, they wouldn't have gotten any money from us and couldn't even reused the parts, as they used them to populate the Pandora boards :)
Are they got any Pandorae assembled this Week??, Or only Flashed and Shipped?, Whats whit the 400 Boards, Micheal Weston meanted last week to arive ?

Na next week 500 Boards, = 125 More for Germany..

My changse are going highter to get one..
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Are they got any Pandorae assembled this Week??, Or only Flashed and Shipped?, Whats whit the 400 Boards, Micheal Weston meanted last week to arive ?

Na next week 500 Boards, = 125 More for Germany..

My changse are going highter to get one..
Attempted english translation said:
Have they got any Pandoras assembled this week?, or only flashed and shipped? What's with the 400 boards that Michael Weston said would arrive last week?

<Na?> Next week 500 boards means 125 more for Germany.

My chances of getting one are going higher..

I dont mean any harm (and I'm not a native english speaker, so I will also make mistakes) and very rarely pay much attention to other people's grammar/spelling stuff, but I've been putting off doing something like this for a long time. Also, I used to have (more than five years ago) a Russian friend here in Finland who had not yet learnt the language properly. At first I didnt want to correct him when he made mistakes (I thought he might take it as an attack), but once I did so, he thanked me for that, because if nobody ever points out your mistakes, you will never learn to be better.

Just wanted you to see what your message would look like if written in English as I know it.

Sorry for the OT.
Sorry for my English, sometimes i dit`nt pay any atemption on my own text, i dit write blind sometimes..

Maybe because the 10-Finger-System..
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So, are all the 550 new Pandora's shipped yet? I'm asking because I was said to be between 550 and 650 on the list of Craig. So, this should mean that I'm getting my Pandora very soon. I've heard that people higher up the list already got their emails, but I still haven't got one yet.
There are still some of those 550 units to be shipped. Some need more testing and tweaking, that's why it takes a while longer.

I sent the next 400 LCD cables to Craig, so he can prepare the next lids for the 500 boards going out from CC next week (hopefully).

I also have over 1000 more to solder at my place... that will eat some of my nights :D

When those 500 boards have been shipped, we'll have 2000 Pandoras out! Over halfway through!

I also got the first samples of the new LCD cables today.

They are way more flexible and have wider traces. They look higher quality and should be WAY more sturdy than the old ones.

This should be the end of the purple haze which still occurs with some of the old cables (luckily only with some :) )
I hope cc delivwer on those boards ed so we can have smooth production.Good news about the new lcd cables,mines in for repair on the lcd screen.Thanks for the update
Ed, I just want to say you and the team should be proud of yourselves. This pandora is a geeks wet dream and you're a total visionary for putting this into play.

I honestly hope you get together the funding to pump pandoras out at a rate of 4000 a month.

You guys should be fricken millionaires.
yeah, I hope i'm in the next 500 too, excitement is killing me :)

Big Kisses to The OP team, and all this superb community !

If only 25% of the Diverenze between my ordernumber and the last delivered pandora ordernumber was a pandora (and the rest parts, wizes and canceled orders, than im getting on of the next 500 pandora (125)
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Who was jerking who around? You keep looking at all of this from only the Pandora consumer perspective. Saying things like that's easy regarding opening a second production facility? Also, initially CC was going to assemble the Pandoras, but then OPT changed the contract because of saving costs and the fact that the cost of doing business in the world has gone through significant increases for goods and materials since October 2008. This is something to keep in mind, because by changing the contract, OPT was taking money out of CCs pocket by doing the assembly themselves. I have no idea as to what was agreed upon initially, but hypothetically speaking, OPT could have already breeched one or two contracts, first by changing assembly and second by stopping production for nubs.

Now, don't take this as jumping down your throat. As you said to other people that you don't disagree with/take offense to what they said, and I don't disagree with most of what you said. But when did OP change the contract to remove assembly? As I remember reading through the posts/forums and such, OP had been patiently waiting on a estimate for the assembly portion of the Pandoras after the boards were completed. Who would sign an open ended contract saying they will pay whatever number cost CC they come up with? It was when CircuitCo finally gave a price for assembling the Pandoras that OP declined to have them do that.

Other than this fact, yes I agree that things always need to be looked at from both sides, and while I don't agree with CC lying to their customers, I can also understand why they did it from a business point of view. Whatever happened in the very beginning with CC can be explained by needing us to wait in line for our turn. Since then, they lied to us, but it's impossible to produce something unless you have all the pieces to do so. It's costly to touch the same thing (board in this case) more than you have to. It adds another phase at least to the board production. If they were to populate all the boards minus the nubs, that sounds great to us on paper. But I'm sure CC sees it as not only adding to what they have to store, but they have to unstack and rehandle every board also. They would be spending more time to produce what does have a price tag set on it and losing their profit margin.

All this being picked apart, they are shipping boards now in reasonable amounts for reasonable times, and lets see how things go from here.
i'm between 2500 and 2800...... and taking a plane in a month, suspense is just killin me!

any news about the 2500+ boards and stuff? :D
Let's all be happy that a) CC are now building the boards and B) they are all working!

However we got there, we got there.
Although things are progressing slowly but surely (sadly it's looking like I was right to have doubts about receiving mine in January, but I'm holding on to a shred of hope!), I still have this horrid feeling that everything is going to grind to a halt again. Does anybody else feel like this?
Although things are progressing slowly but surely (sadly it's looking like I was right to have doubts about receiving mine in January, but I'm holding on to a shred of hope!), I still have this horrid feeling that everything is going to grind to a halt again. Does anybody else feel like this?

Not at all! My biggest concern is that Craigix is going to get so sick of making Pandoras that he's going to want a break before he gets to making mine. :p

As I'm in the second batch I have no doubts that a few minor delays will occur due to much needed downtime for the team. :(

I'm completely worn out from working 7 days a week for the past few months - so if production continues unbroken well into batch 2 I will take my hat off. :)