My typewriter tends to be more cold to the touch than modern devices. As for the Apple bashing, I grew up with the Apple II line in my schools and libraries, and I still love my handful of IIes, and some of their other older computers. A very distinct and lovely look there, too. I am not too fond of where they went in the last two decades, but there were some interesting things that happened along the way. I am not a fan of where they are now, for sure. For me the difference between older devices, as well as things like the Pandora and Pyra, and modern mainstream devices is the modern mainstream devices all try to be the same, and there is less concern for how they will be used or for their longevity. Aren't many consumer electronics expected to be replaced every few years, if not sooner? I have been trying to find an inexpensive amber monochrome monitor that is in good condition for years. I can find an LCD monitor from a couple years ago for less.