Absurdism corner


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Inb4: Boom
On the continent thing, I have actually been involved in a somewhat heated debate about how many continents there are, and what qualifies as a continent or not, specifically dealing with Europe and Asia, but also Africa potentially being a part of it, or the Americas being considered one continent.

A friend of mine from Costa Rica said people there are taught the "One America" concept, and that the separation of America into North-Central-South is purely political. He also said people there have a tendency to get offended when Americans call themselves Americans. "We're all American," he'd tell me. When I asked him what should people from USA call themselves, he said, "Gringos." Jokingly, of course. It was a good discussion.

Also, I just think it is funny to ruin what others find funny (like mayonnaise, or pizza? Mmm, mayonnaise on pizza...with bubble tea. ;) ).

You're evil and you should feel bad.

[...] When people thought it was flat, I´d be confident that the education material at the time was also quite convincing.

Kind of comparing apples to oranges. Such material from a time where "Because God" was an acceptable answer for a great many things, including the shape of our non-torus, spheroid planet kind of pales in comparison to the peer-reviewed material of today.
the problem is, the angry people are better at being fed up than you (or i). they've much more practice at it.
A friend of mine from Costa Rica said people there are taught the "One America" concept, and that the separation of America into North-Central-South is purely political. He also said people there have a tendency to get offended when Americans call themselves Americans. "We're all American," he'd tell me. When I asked him what should people from USA call themselves, he said, "Gringos." Jokingly, of course. It was a good discussion.
That covers conversations I have as well, and I use that term jokingly and sorta sincerely (when appropriate, in context). If there was a better collective term it would probably be difficult to convince people to switch over. A friend one recommended USAians or something. Perhaps referring to the state/commonwealth/etc. will be better, as everyone will probably understand things like New Mexican and Georgian without confusion.

the problem is, the angry people are better at being fed up than you (or i). they've much more practice at it.
That is only one piece of the puzzle. You also need to act on the anger. If this seems difficult, just keep bottling it up. There are many possible outcomes, and one of them might teach you and others the benefit of anger. :D
I attached a new battery cover to my N3DS XL a short while ago. It kept creaking due to the plastic flexing above the battery compartment, so I padded it out with the first thing that came to hand which was toilet paper. I'm going to see what happens when I charge it later on today. I've written my will and have a clean pair of underpants on standby so I'm prepared for every eventuality.

Edit: Have replaced toilet roll with blu tack.
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So you are pretty confident that these days the humans are at their best when it comes to understanding things.

Hell no, that's besides the point. Humans have understood things better as tech advances, thus enabling us to learn things we otherwise couldn't, and theories are created and built upon. With that said, I am fully confident that us humans understand things FAR, FAR better than we did when the flat-earth model was widely accepted. Maybe in a hundred years, if we make it that far, we'll look back at allergies and think, "Wow, we're stupid for not eliminating those back then. Now I can frolick in the fields of Tennessee without wanting to fill my sinuses with cement!"

Are we at our "best?" I'd like to think we aren't. I hope not; it would be lame if humanity stopped short of ushering itself into some sci-fi type shit.

As for donut-earth, we have the tech and physics to figure that one out pretty easily, but, of course, everything's a conspiracy and NASA is lying to us, as usual.

That covers conversations I have as well, and I use that term jokingly and sorta sincerely (when appropriate, in context). If there was a better collective term it would probably be difficult to convince people to switch over. A friend one recommended USAians or something. Perhaps referring to the state/commonwealth/etc. will be better, as everyone will probably understand things like New Mexican and Georgian without confusion.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn't abide. Outside of the Easy, I have no love for Louisiana. If I move to a different state, do I just suddenly become Alaskan or Idahoan or Floridian?

Speaking in general, this country is polarized enough without people identifying more with their small corner than being proud of their country as a whole. Besides, the Old World sees people from USA as Americans and people from Canada as Canadian an Mexico as Mexican (at least when Central Americans aren't being shuffled into the same category), so on so forth. I say you can't please everyone and just keep it as it is.
Humans may have a better understanding than they did when 'the world was flat'... But I can promise you that their current understanding of 'what really is' is just as absurd... And I'm not talking just the brainwashed populace... The 'smartest of the smart' are woefully clueless in the grand scheme of things.


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Georgian? How are things in south ossetia these days?
Exactly my point. The label should make it easier to accurately discuss whatever.
Humans may have a better understanding than they did when 'the world was flat'... But I can promise you that their current understanding of 'what really is' is just as absurd... And I'm not talking just the brainwashed populace... The 'smartest of the smart' are woefully clueless in the grand scheme of things.


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The smartest of the smart are also the ones that will agree that they, and everyone, are clueless.
On the gringo subject...
To my friends here I usually say: "have you been to where humans say first world?"
Because truly, if you haven´t, you can´t understand why here is the third world.
The same works the other way around. [not turism, living]
There is an empirical factor here that you can´t work out by books or tv or net or just listening to someone elses experience, either you are there or you have absolutely no idea.

@tigerroast do you happen to know anyone that has been outside earth? :D
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