Absurdism corner


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Nice explanation.

**** This probably points to me already ruling this planet and actually being the antichrist in denial.
Now it would be interesting to know if it actually is better this way or if we are really screwed from the moment on you accept this as a fact. :o
I don't know, I've been agonizing over this for some years now.

If I really am in denial and am in fact the antichrist... that can't be the whole story...

When a certain someone gathered a large amount of people in a covert agenda to try and convince me I was Jesus Christ reborn... the result after some years of this going on (and me constantly moving to new areas to live) was me instantly loathing any person that called me Jesus (this isn't a few random occurances, it happened at least twice a week for many many years... in fact it's only recently just stopped). And not just name dropping, actually arguing with me that I was in denial, and when would I accept it because the planet needed me. I of course looked into 'the second coming', because I wanted to inform myself as to what those bastards were really up to.

I uncovered some unfortunate things, which I won't explain here because it sounds incredible and would certainly inspire debate about the origins of humanity, of extraterestrials, of secret organizations, of demonic entities, of beings that feed off of humanity, of higher planes of existence, of other versions of this planet, of... well damnit, the whole caboodle.

But it boiled down to this:

If some dude rocks up with all the signs and wonders associated with the second coming, and he becomes accepted as the defacto Christ incarnate by *at least* the majority of christians in certain areas of the world...

Humanity will have lost their last chance to liberate themselves from eternal slavery on this planet. This planet will then be firmly under the controle of the beings that have been orchestrating this from before the time the moon was in our sky.

Resources in all forms, including plants, animals, and humans will continue to be harvested from this planet, and souls incarnating as humans would never be able to leave this place, they would be caught into the same reincarnation memory wipe loop that has been artificially inflicted on beings entering the grid surrounding this planet.

Tip: When you die, don't believe a thing you experience! Resist the urge to feel the guilt... do your utmost to be detached from all you percieve regarding your life review and soul connections to other people... if you fall for it, you will reincarnate and remember virtually nothing of how you got here.

Your best bet of getting out of here is to become as perfectly detached, as perfectly self aware and self accepting as possible, and with as few skeletons in the closet you can get away with *BEFORE* your death... give those manipulative bastards as little material to work with as possible...

So I would launch into intense rants about the sheer folly of people thinking Jesus would save any of them, and the foolishness of following any being claiming to be Jesus, and then I would also explain how Jesus is actually a fabrication.

I thought I was doing my best to thwart the antichrist, but realized I had become an extreme anti-christ (actually antiJesus ... Christ and Krishna are one and the same, though I still have to investigate Krishna properly, I fully suspect Krishna was a manipulation just like Christ was... though at some point in my personal introspection I decided that Christ and Krishna are just other names for 'Consciousness'... and I am obsessively PRO consciousness)

So then I started wondering... is all that prophesy regarding the antichrist actually slander injected into our cultures by those beings pushing the Jesus (and enslave the planet) agenda?

My god... are they... talking about me?

Am I... am I... supposed to... liberate this planet?


So I just don't know...

Have I helped you all by refusing to be an instrument of the second coming?

Or have I damned you all by refusing to gather a following?

Who am I really?

Am I Christ incarnate? (a physical being that serves Consciousness absolutely)

Am I the Antichrist? (a being come to warn against the second coming, and potentially liberate this planet from the slavery it has been under for thousands of years)

Am I a reptilian hybrid?

Am I a projection from a Master currently opperating safely in the fifth dimension?

Am I actually just completely insane, and in reality I'm locked up in a nice little padded room somewhere oblivious to my actual surroundings?

I've wondered all these things... and unfortunately, I don't think it's 'pick the right one'...

I suspect that only 1 possibility could be untrue, and even then.... it's probably true as well.
You should really look up the life story of Jiddu Krishnamurti, it's pretty similar up to a certain point.

He was raised as the next messiah but refused to accept this position when he was older and ended the cult that he was made the master of when he was still a little boy.

Instead, he told them and later the rest of the world on his travels, that a messiah couldn't help them but they can help themselves by becoming completely independend in every way possible, including not only abandoning all forms of conventions but even independed of the thoughts their own existence is projecting into them. It was always really important to him, to not be a preacher though. He didn't write a book or organised any hearing but discussions instead. He wanted to gather and share wisdom by dialogue. I've never seen anything that he said I wouldn't whole heartedly aggree with and he died one month before my birth.

I think, that some people are born with a mutation enabling them to completely think outside of the box (= their actual environment and impressions) and it's their task to free the human consciousness from its chains.
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Nice explanation.

**** This probably points to me already ruling this planet and actually being the antichrist in denial.
Now it would be interesting to know if it actually is better this way or if we are really screwed from the moment on you accept this as a fact. :o
As I understand it, the rise of the antichrist is a thing to be celebrated, because of what else is supposed to happen.
ED posted it to point out the keyboard to those that dislike the Pyra layout.  i think we should switch to this one.

Edit:  Will 2 keyboard Fn keys be an issue?  We will also have one on a shoulder button.
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You should really look up the life story of Jiddu Krishnamurti, it's pretty similar up to a certain point.

He was raised as the next messiah but refused to accept this position when he was older and ended the cult that he was made the master of when he was still a little boy.

Instead, he told them and later the rest of the world on his travels, that a messiah couldn't help them but they can help themselves by becoming completely independend in every way possible, including not only abandoning all forms of conventions but even independed of the thoughts their own existence is projecting into them. It was always really important to him, to not be a preacher though. He didn't write a book or organised any hearing but discussions instead. He wanted to gather and share wisdom by dialogue. I've never seen anything that he said I wouldn't whole heartedly aggree with and he died one month before my birth.

I think, that some people are born with a mutation enabling them to completely think outside of the box (= their actual environment and impressions) and it's their task to free the human consciousness from its chains.
I think I've run out of likes... so quoted because honestly, this little snippet of information is the most encouraging and inspiring thing I've *EVER* read!

Thank you so so much. You have no idea how much more inner peace this has brought to me... and it was only yesterday I was sitting working, frustrated with my life because:

1) I don't want to gather material wealth, or build influence, or build a family, or... well I just don't see the point in investing my consciousness and energy in this physical realm... it's like having a really long dream where you do all this stuff, and it's so important, and then you realize you're dreaming... and you can't wake up, but now you know everything in the dream *will* vanish when you wake up... so...

2) I know some really really important information about things that really do matter... and this information was extreamely difficult to come by, and I'm not sure how likely it is for any other being after me to have just the right combination of ingredients to not only gather the information, but also not fall for the ego, and then on top of it, share that information in a way it cannot be distorted and so pass the flame onto others...

3) I recognise the only value my life has is the fact I have managed to actually know these things in spite of willingly subjecting myself to the memory wipe and indoctrination process that cannot be avoided if you incarnate here... but I also know that I knew all this before I came, so liberating myself from this planet isn't actually such a great achievement... I would awaken and realize 'Damn! that whole life was virtually for nothing... Damn those human insecurities and fears... I should have made more of an effort to teach these things while I had the chance. *sigh* ... now I should probably go back and give it another shot...'

4) But as you say I do not want to preach, I do not want a following, and I certainly do not want people getting it into their heads that I am a Messiah come to save them. All I want is for people to get serious about *themselves*, to become obsessively introspective, and to gain the ability of discernment and be able to opperate detached from the thoughts in their minds, the emotions they feel, and the desires of their body.

It sounds like a harsh discipline to follow, and in some ways it is... but it is also huuuugely liberating, and being detached doesn't mean you avoid things, it just means you have mastered letting go, and actually being detached makes experiences all that more joyfull and fun!

To give an example... If I met a person I knew was as detached as I, and also served Consciousness absolutely... we could happily have sex and do all sorts of things I would never concider engaging with in a human still dreaming.

If I am detached, why can't I have sex now with someone who's keen on me? Because I serve Consciousness, and if that other person doesn't have the same relationship with Consciousness I do, they will misinterpret the experience and in all likelihood fall head over heals, become utterly attached to me, hang on my every word, and lose the ability to grasp that all the love and beauty and truth they percieve in me is simply a reflection of the Consciousness that THEY are.

That, or they will get extremely hurt because in spite of that wonderfull experience, I still seem disinterested in them and then they go into a downward spiral.

So why can't I have sex with someone who is just horny and just doesn't care? Well I could, but how does that serve Consciousness? It would simply be the gratification of lust for both of us... and by engaging in it simply for gratification, it *increases* the appitite for such gratification, doing both me and the other person a disservice.

So thank you. The decission I made yesterday to do what I can to get this information out to those with the ability to hear it, to make it my priority in this life has just been given a great GIANT stamp of approval from the Consciousness I serve via the message you just gave me.

Bless you Bless you
You should really look up the life story of Jiddu Krishnamurti, it's pretty similar up to a certain point.

He was raised as the next messiah but refused to accept this position when he was older and ended the cult that he was made the master of when he was still a little boy.

Instead, he told them and later the rest of the world on his travels, that a messiah couldn't help them but they can help themselves by becoming completely independend in every way possible, including not only abandoning all forms of conventions but even independed of the thoughts their own existence is projecting into them. It was always really important to him, to not be a preacher though. He didn't write a book or organised any hearing but discussions instead. He wanted to gather and share wisdom by dialogue. I've never seen anything that he said I wouldn't whole heartedly aggree with and he died one month before my birth.

I think, that some people are born with a mutation enabling them to completely think outside of the box (= their actual environment and impressions) and it's their task to free the human consciousness from its chains.
I know its true, but it actually sounds too good to be true. Just my opinion.
You should really look up the life story of Jiddu Krishnamurti, it's pretty similar up to a certain point.

He was raised as the next messiah but refused to accept this position when he was older and ended the cult that he was made the master of when he was still a little boy.

Instead, he told them and later the rest of the world on his travels, that a messiah couldn't help them but they can help themselves by becoming completely independend in every way possible, including not only abandoning all forms of conventions but even independed of the thoughts their own existence is projecting into them. It was always really important to him, to not be a preacher though. He didn't write a book or organised any hearing but discussions instead. He wanted to gather and share wisdom by dialogue. I've never seen anything that he said I wouldn't whole heartedly aggree with and he died one month before my birth.

I think, that some people are born with a mutation enabling them to completely think outside of the box (= their actual environment and impressions) and it's their task to free the human consciousness from its chains.
I know its true, but it actually sounds too good to be true. Just my opinion.
What sounds too good to be true?