A Plea To Gp32x Posters...

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Who exactly moderates the board nowadays (other than chip) back in the days of GP32 there
used to be about 10 or so mods who were asked to be such by the community.

We used to have noobs coming to the scene back then too, just the same as now asking the
same silly questions - noobs should be treated the same way as anyone else, if the question
has already been answered they need to be pointed toward the sticky etc.

I guarentee that new devs will be frightened away from a scene that is constantly bickering
and thats before we have even seen the hardware yet - Everyone needs to chill out and
understand what it is they are buying into.
Trevor Bradley said:
My fear is that one forum will be "the place where questions are welcomed", and another "the place where questions are discouraged". It treats the symptom, not the problem.

That being said it might be a good short term solution. Beginner / Advanced forums could actually evolve into something different once there are more complex questions to be asked.
That is exactly how I see it, too :)
I would like to have a newb section with some stickies and tutorials, not a whole newb forum. Mods could move too silly questions there. Separation should be lowest possible.
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Is this thread still going?

mallrat37 said:
Everyone needs to chill out and understand what it is they are buying into.
And possibly one problem has been identified...

mallrat37 said:
I guarentee that new devs will be frightened away from a scene that is constantly bickering and thats before we have even seen the hardware yet -
And there could be another one...

Pandora is attracting many varied people with varying needs, wants, knowledge, etc, etc and people cannot even agree what Pandora really is, because it is many things to many people. The fact that the hardware hasn't been seen makes people edgy. The fact that it's not in people's hands means some are bored and waiting. And typing...

If you open a new forum/section people will still post in the wrong place and some will then flame them.

If the moderators aren't happy with the tone of the place they can slap people down and (re)set the tone.
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huufarted said:
God Ginrai said:
Why should we have to cater to the people who don't do the research, or at least READ the rules or use the Search function?

-God Ginrai
Because you want those noobs around at least until the Pandora makes its mark on the world. Scare them away now and you scare away potential developers. Perhaps someone that adds a mod to the pandora that nobody else would have thought of otherwise.

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PoisonedV said:
huufarted said:
God Ginrai said:
Why should we have to cater to the people who don't do the research, or at least READ the rules or use the Search function?

-God Ginrai
Because you want those noobs around at least until the Pandora makes its mark on the world. Scare them away now and you scare away potential developers. Perhaps someone that adds a mod to the pandora that nobody else would have thought of otherwise.


Maybe he means people who, at the time of posting, have nothing to contribute but annoying questions, but may one day blossom into a developer with their heart (and brain) in the right place?

However it is quite clear that most (if not all) of the annoying questions do not come from future devs, but from bandwagon jumping, hype-seduced morons. The community was doing fine without them and it will do fine without them.
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However it is quite clear that most (if not all) of the annoying questions do not come from future devs, but from bandwagon jumping, hype-seduced morons. The community was doing fine without them and it will do fine without them.

I want to have prove for this point!
Give me a list of posts, that shows me that you are right, and I'll believe it.

I roll eyes reading many questions, that have been asked and answered before, but I still answer them. It doesn't hurt my feelings to answer them.

I consider most of the users on this board as noobs, the only ones, that aren't noobs are the people who know their stuff like Craig &Co, Chip and the devs. Sometimes I read posts of members, who have been here for years and think to myself, why does this person talk about something he doesn't know anything about?

Everyone should just lower his ego a little bit and things will work out just fine :)
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i read alot of the 8 pages of posts on here, i just gotta say,
1) there isnt a public forum on this planet that doesnt have people too lazy to read posts and ask questions that seem obvious to others
2) its almost impossible to get rid of flamers, same goes to people nervous or vocal panic speakers

the best i think we can do is suggest the flamers to take a chill pill and not read a forum topic titled "psp port possible?" and let the more patient explain it or link them up

as for the people that are bringing "panic", they dont feel what theyre saying is innapropriate, just link them to a similar post and let them figure it out themselves, if you pre-order a imaginary (for the moment) device then you are stupid to not know bumps were in store.
I think the mods do a great job in tempering the flame wars.

But if the flamers would step back and let the mods answer the noobs questions with a link to the FAQ and close the topic this place would be a whole lot nicer.

Oh. and use more smiley's coz sarcasm doesn't translate well into text alone ;)
MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
PoisonedV said:
huufarted said:
God Ginrai said:
Why should we have to cater to the people who don't do the research, or at least READ the rules or use the Search function?

-God Ginrai
Because you want those noobs around at least until the Pandora makes its mark on the world. Scare them away now and you scare away potential developers. Perhaps someone that adds a mod to the pandora that nobody else would have thought of otherwise.


Maybe he means people who, at the time of posting, have nothing to contribute but annoying questions, but may one day blossom into a developer with their heart (and brain) in the right place?

However it is quite clear that most (if not all) of the annoying questions do not come from future devs, but from bandwagon jumping, hype-seduced morons. The community was doing fine without them and it will do fine without them.

If you want to massage your ego by being the only kid in town with this obscure gadget then you should buy another, as I hope Craig sells millions of these things, this forum becomes absolutely swamped with newcomers who will get it wrong and post stupid posts. I'll just have to not read them or hope some firey young poster shoots them down!

Or do you hope that only a few are made, and this forum remains a small tight knit community? Poor Craig then...
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However it is quite clear that most (if not all) of the annoying questions do not come from future devs, but from bandwagon jumping, hype-seduced morons. The community was doing fine without them and it will do fine without them.

so you don't think the the developers see openpandora going places, then? that sending press releases to engadget et al is just something to do, but the ultimate aim is to create something only a handful of people will ever see? get a grip.
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100% agree with you

Some time ago, I dared to suggest that a next gen Pandora could use windows together with a linux version. I was bashed so hard, even to the point that ppl suggested I should get banned for suggesting so, that I post and say half what I would like to since then, in fear for a similar reply, or directly delete my full answer for that reason. People here are very aggresive about the open source, windows vs linux, arm vs x86 debate, anything touching those topics can get serious trouble.
Pple dislike the psp scene. However it was way more friendly and open to newcomers imho.
oblivioner said:
Some time ago, I dared to suggest that a next gen Pandora could use windows together with a linux version. I was bashed so hard, even to the point that ppl suggested I should get banned for suggesting so, that I post and say half what I would like to since then, in fear for a similar reply, or directly delete my full answer for that reason. People here are very aggresive about the open source, windows vs linux, arm vs x86 debate, anything touching those topics can get serious trouble.
Pple dislike the psp scene. However it was way more friendly and open to newcomers imho.
Lighten up, it wasn't that bad. You posted an unpopular opinion and people disagreed with you. That's what happens. Nobody suggested banning you for your opinion, and it wouldn't have happened if they had. Only a couple of the responses were outright hostile, and they were from the same people who are always hostile.

There are a few jackasses here who think they know everything and live to shit all over anybody they think knows less. There are at least a few of them on every forum. There are probably less of them here than on most, and we try to keep a leash on the ones we do have here. Don't believe me? Go to one of the PSP forums and suggest that the DS is actually better than the PSP and that a future PSP with two screens would be more successful. I think the response you get will be far less civil than what you received here.

I hate to use the "It's worse over there, therefore it's good here" argument, (it is a logical fallacy), but you made the comparison first. If I could make people be nice here, I would. But there's no way to do that short of permabanning anybody who acts a little douchey. I think you'll agree that's not a course of action even worth considering.
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I tend to agree with Chip, it is no where near as bad here other than a few "stirrers" and they are big pussycats compared to people on some linux forums (if you dare be a newbie)....

For the record I AM A future dev (time permitting), I have been lurking for a while but I know a whole bunch of languages and have been programming for more years than I care to remember.

I totally intend to have a bash at developing for the Pandora , and none of the comments on the forums would put me off that because its an excellent open platform that we are getting with the Pandora.

I did write some stuff for the DS a while ago and it is a total PTA to write for when the platform is not open and well documented (though the DS is better than some).

If somebody is a PITA ignore them, somebody else will come along with a sensible reply. This has always been the way of forums ;)

MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
However it is quite clear that most (if not all) of the annoying questions do not come from future devs, but from bandwagon jumping, hype-seduced morons. The community was doing fine without them and it will do fine without them.
It's just this kind of pathetic, wannabe-elitist behaviour that will ensure that the community will never grow beyond a small group of people who, frankly, are unlikely to have sexual partners.
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[off topic]


ED said, that they plan a plant in India for mass production later on, so your Asia statement was quite correct, somehow :)

[/off topic]

Now back on topic, who wants to be dissed next? :lol:
oblivioner said:
100% agree with you

Some time ago, I dared to suggest that a next gen Pandora could use windows together with a linux version. I was bashed so hard, even to the point that ppl suggested I should get banned for suggesting so, that I post and say half what I would like to since then, in fear for a similar reply, or directly delete my full answer for that reason. People here are very aggresive about the open source, windows vs linux, arm vs x86 debate, anything touching those topics can get serious trouble.
Pple dislike the psp scene. However it was way more friendly and open to newcomers imho.

Bloody hell! What a lie! I never posted in this thread, but I followed it and enjoyed it. It was actually a very good discussion. Your opening question was not the best one, and had been talked about already (and completely against the whole open source ethics). But I understood where you came from. What followed was a very good and fair discussion.

And then you come here and claim you were bashed so hard...? Unbelievable!!! Or is no one allowed to have a different opinion???

Ok, I would ban you for this outright lie and for trying to stir up trouble! Ban him, Chip!!!!!
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gp32rich said:
I think the mods do a great job in tempering the flame wars.

But if the flamers would step back and let the mods answer the noobs questions with a link to the FAQ and close the topic this place would be a whole lot nicer.
Oh. and use more smiley's coz sarcasm doesn't translate well into text alone ;)

PoisonedV said:
that would never work
:rolleyes: Thanks for the reality check <_<

;) ;) :P ;)
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