
  1. A

    Viability of using a Pyra as a hybrid/main computer?

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone plans on or if anyone thinks that using a Pyra as like a Nintendo switch for PC's would be viable or not. Having a monitor and keyboard/mouse for it at a desk but being able to unplug and have the same experience portably, forgetting about desktops and full...
  2. Inimuk

    Unofficial Pyra/Pandora Telegram Group

    TL;DR --> Join here: Decided to create a group since I couldn't see one using Telegram search function. Posting in Off topic because this is not a official forum channel. Also looking for channel mods. Cheers! Oops, silly. Created an announcement channel instead...
  3. sebt3

    Pyra pyra-debian-cross

    EDIT: this toolchain is not supported anymore Hello there, So compiling on the pyra works well, but for larger project at some point a cross-compiling toolchain will be usefull. This is my attempt. Sources are : It is based on debian and...
  4. sebt3

    Release KETM

    Kill Everything That Moves It is just another arcade-like-2D-space-shooter. This game (that I have ported on pandora age ago) include 4 mods, So this is the available apps : Episode 1 StarWars 1941 IronMan KartEverythingThatMoves All these games depend on the engine. One stone, two birds...
  5. sebt3

    Release SuperTux

    SuperTux is a free classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games covered under the GNU GPL. So far this is 0.3.4 which was released 2 years ago. later version depend on SDL2 thuss on working 3D. Lastest version will be packaged once the SGX...
  6. sebt3

    Release Globulation 2

    Globulation 2 is an innovative Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game which reduces micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units. This version of Globulation 2 is slightly modified so it run fullscreen (1280x720) on Pyra.
  7. ptitSeb

    Release Hostile Takeover

    Here is Hostile Takeover, the opensource RTS formely known as Warfare Inc. The package is for now on the development repo, but I'll update the link when the repo goes final if url changes. This version of Hostile Takeover is slightly modified so it run fullscreen (1280x720) on Pyra. For the...
  8. Kippykip

    Dragonbox Pyra Discord : REBORN

    I didn't like how short lived @Wally 's discord channel lasted due to complaints that we could just use the IRC. But I think it's a great idea as with discord, we can post screen-shots of our projects and have a voice chat to discuss everything! So I've created a large number of channels based...
  9. ptitSeb

    Quick and Dirty CPU comparison between Pyra and OpenPandora

    To give a rough idea of how much more powerfull the Pyra will be, here is a quick and dirty comparison. Using the exact same code, quick comparison of the same game running on a Gigahertz OpenPandora and on a early Pyra prototype. Ardentryst is a PyGame game, using only SDL 1.2, and having a...
  10. B

    Pyra + Java = ?

    Hi I've a little question. Will Pyra be able to run Java / HTML5 based programs and or games? For example Cross Code from RadicalFishGames: Demo: Will this kind of games run on the Pyra?
  11. Rami

    The Future of Pyra's CPU

    I've been thinking... It seems most of the board development job is done. Minus some not-so-minor twicks it looks like the board develpment team is going to have some time off in the next future. I have a suggestion to change that: It's is clear that when the real scope of Pyra users it clear...
  12. Pyramancer

    Pyra keyboard scancodes?

    I'm looking for the scancodes produced by the keys on the Pyra. I found the keyboard page in the Pyra wiki ( but I don't see scancodes there (just the keycodes under a mapping in letux-4.5.0, it says). Any pointers to the actual...
  13. Pyramancer

    Where's the Pyra wiki again?

    Somehow I've managed to loose the Pyra wiki! I keep forgetting that it exists as a valuable source of information. And when I remember I always have a struggle finding it -- I've no idea how I stumbled into it the first time before ever I knew it existed. But today I can't find it at all! I've...
  14. sebt3


    I was planning to work on something exactly like anbox for pyra (once I got one). But since someone else have done most of the work, i'm leaving a link in here :P Should be good to have on a pyra
  15. G

    Pyra production & ethics

    Hi all! I would like to know what information we have concerning the Pyra's production and supply chain on the ethical aspect. IIRC, most of the assembly is done in Europe (including the case in Greece), so that part can be assumed to be covered by mostly-fair local laws. I haven't found any...
  16. V

    Imagination Technologies and future daughterboards

    Hey all, I don't know if anyone else here has seen this, but apparently Apple and Imagination Tech are going to go mostly separate ways. While Imagination Technologies might still wind up with some income from Apple, everyone seems to think this is a big blow for them. I know the current OMAP5...
  17. PCXT

    Power-related question

    Hello I have a question about Pyra power management system. I know, there are some pins in schematic for its different functions, but I don't exactly understand their meanings and I don't have much knowledge about power management systems especially in ARM chips. What is possible to do in terms...
  18. second exodous

    Video edditing on the TI OMAP 5?

    I don't want to start an argument here but I was wondering if the processor is fast enough to do video editing. I've been looking at editing on Android for a while and the last three years it has gotten much much better that what the video editing was. I'm not talking a movie for the silver...
  19. Pyramancer

    Where are the antennas situated?

    I'm wondering where in the Pyra the antennas will be located. With send and recieve antennas for WiFi, send and receive antennas for Bluetooth, send and receive antennas for cellular, and a receive antenna for GPS -- between four and seven antennas, plus also a sensor for the compass -- it...
  20. remjey

    Pyra batteries sitting at GC

    I understand that the Pyra batteries have been produced and then have been sitting at GC for a while. Since those are LiPo, they will degrade even if not used, albeit they can be stored for a longer time with less degradation in specific environmental conditions (mostly temperature iirc) and...