Release Globulation 2


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
Globulation 2 is an innovative Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game which reduces micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units.

This version of Globulation 2 is slightly modified so it run fullscreen (1280x720) on Pyra.
oo, cool. i thought it'd be fun to design an RTS where you don't actually interact at all -- you design the algorithm which executes individuals' actions.
@ible check out screeps if you haven't yet. it's an rts for javascript coders. pretty fun.
oo, cool. i thought it'd be fun to design an RTS where you don't actually interact at all -- you design the algorithm which executes individuals' actions.
How does this suit you?
I must admit, I really enjoyed Pax Britannica, a single-button RTS, but it's a bit short lived

Back on topic, how readable is that text on the Pyra's screen? Might have to download this on my desktop and give it a whirl
I didn't even know there was already some kind of Pyra repo.
Interesting game.

The page however doesn't work properly with PaleMoon, I have the script enabled, so no idea why:

Edit: Now it works.
@pmprog, no linux version :(. but premise sounds good. @xnopasaranx, sounds very interesting! i wonder how they cap the programming memory/CPU resources that a player can use...
The page however doesn't work properly with PaleMoon,
Yeah I'm sometimes having the same issue with firefox. Chrome dont have the issue. It look like firefox (or palemoon) have a differente definition of "when ready" then chrome... or me :p Refreshing usually fix the issue (since you have most of the page already ready)
Thanks for the report, i'll fix this at some point.
Edit: should be fixed now
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This looks impressive enough to deserve a video. Even a video from a devboard would be good enough, though a video from a prototype would be worth sharing around the internet. I'm not sure anyone with a prototype unit has the necessary camera skills to do a good job though, though I hope to be proved wrong. Anyone using a tripod with a video camera would probably do a better job than the awesome for the time but rather shakeycam videos we've had this far.
Yes, I had a feeling this wasn't completely new, but I can't remember actually playing it myself - maybe I'll have to dig it out. Maybe this isn't the game to inspire people, but I'm getting kinda desperate for new videos of prototypes doing stuff that I can post out there. I note we have our first emulators in the repo now thanks to Wally, a slow 2600 emulator, and a classic Mac emulator.
Yes, I had a feeling this wasn't completely new, but I can't remember actually playing it myself - maybe I'll have to dig it out. Maybe this isn't the game to inspire people, but I'm getting kinda desperate for new videos of prototypes doing stuff that I can post out there. I note we have our first emulators in the repo now thanks to Wally, a slow 2600 emulator, and a classic Mac emulator.
I wont work on anything fancy or impressive before any GLES drivers are working again. It's not a hardware issue, so it's not a high priority one for those able to put that drivers back in working shape. But lately everything depend on GL(ES) sadly. Every games still maintained have migrated to SDL2 years ago. And SDL2 render everything using GLES... which currently is a software emulation. And that's way too slow to be enjoyable.
That being said, as far as I know the only person able to do nice video with a prototype in hand is ED himself. I'm surely not equiped for that kind of things. And lately, ED seems even more busy than usual...
Yes, ED makes the best professional looking videos, but I still remember videos from before I got my Pandora, that I sadly can't find any more. They were just an overtheshoulder view of a pandora prototype running emulators and games, but they generally stayed in focus and were steady. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the phone cam shots we've already had, but shakeycam combined with one-handed gameplay isn't ideal. A tripod with a fitting to let you attach and position your camera leaving your hands free to hold and manipulate the unit are essential I'd say. Or you could record the HDMI out, but just at the moment I think having the physical unit in view while you operate it are a bonus over the reduced quality you're likely to get because of minor focus issues and imperfect optics.

I hope ptitSeb's recent working on gl4es mean he's planning a release of that on the Pyra, but I guess I shouldn't preempt that. It'll come when it comes.