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  • Users: craigix
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  1. craigix

    Trade for a Pandora, GBAX reboot, CC units.

    Hello everyone, Craig here, Well, it's fair to say that I've had a disastrous 2013 so far, as I've alluded to in occasional online activity. It's just been one of those years. However, business wise things are improving, we finished up the Pandora survey, the iCP2 is finally in MP (although...
  2. craigix

    Broken Pandora units

    I went through the final returns here (most go to Ed now, unless they are considered dead). 200 units :( Fortunately it looks like maybe 100 of them can be fixed... surprising how many 'dead' units just needed a boot SD, but I know how frustrating these are to make, my mac simply cannot make...
  3. craigix

    Final preorders, action required

    Hello! **NEW** For people who have not completed this survey the new link is: You should email your order number and choice to Ed as the results are now submitted. **** I hope you are all well. Those of you on the final (old) preorder list will be...
  4. craigix

    New website request

    We made this, it's all win, but does someone have a similar photo of a silver Pandora?
  5. craigix

    A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)

    Hello everyone, As you know we emailed all our remaining preorder customers recently. This was a big job and we are still behind in emails replies, we know this, please don't send multiple emails with the same content, this just makes it worse, also sending random abuse achieves nothing...
  6. craigix

    Accidentally found a flaw in major online bank...

    I've accidentally found a major flaw in an online bank allowing me to access other peoples accounts. This flaw is related to the connected email account and allows a way to hijack other accounts as long as you know the email address of the account holder. Emailing the bank has given no...
  7. craigix

    Emails to remaining preorders.

    Hello Everyone, Each of you with a preorder will receive an email asking you if you want to upgrade to the 1Ghz version. This will likely arrive in the next 72 hours (they are being sent slowly). Once we have established how many people want to upgrade we can then realistically plan for...
  8. craigix

    1Ghz units resuming shipping next month

    Outstanding 1Ghz units will resume shipping from me from next month. Sorry for the delay, we had some unfortunate large refunds which had to be processed. We are almost though the worst of that, and can now safely get back to shipping. Thanks, Craig
  9. craigix

    Various semi-working Pandoras to clear

    We're going though the last of the CC units and there are about 25 units which work to various degrees. I'll be selling them over the next week or two. Number 1) This unit works fine in terms of the display but has no wifi(or very bad wifi) and speaker problems, the speaker problems are...
  10. craigix

    Right, let's start recovering this?

    Firstly, thanks for all your (kind) emails. As a start I've built six 600mhz units in the silver cases, they have the new nubs, new LCD cable etc. Fully working, ready to go. $299 each. PM me. Many of you are offering to upgrade to the 1Ghz to try to help. This will help get things...
  11. craigix

    The current situation

    Hello everyone, Sorry for this late post, I've promised to give the iCP2 KS 110% so the following events took place at exactly the wrong time. Anyhow, to summarise the situation (this is relating to OP UK): A couple of months ago Ed agreed that we should move to 1Ghz production and most of...
  12. craigix

    American version of the inbetweeners

    Have any of you seen this yet? It's... well.. I'll let Will do the summary after the trailer: Am I right in saying that you can't swear on MTV in the USA? That's why it's like some PG version? I cannot understand why they have done...
  13. craigix

    Release New Website 1.0

    Hello everyone, we have taken on board some of the previous suggestions and here is the 1.0 new website: *you cannot order, the order page won't work* There will be a ticket system added for general enquiries too. Let us know any spelling...
  14. craigix

    1Ghz units, more available, little update.

    The new website will be live this week, and the 1Ghz units will have a press release, and can be ordered from the site. This is just an advance notice if you want one before that happens, email to beat the queue. You can upgrade your preorder or just place a new...
  15. craigix

    The N64 situation

    This has been brought up in many threads now, so I think we need a dedicated topic for it. Now, I don't have a 1Ghz Pandora as we sent all of them out to customers, so we shall need your help. The issue is this: Performance on various versions of the N64 emulator vary and many people comment...
  16. craigix

    True timeless games.

    Imagine we were building a games museum. No, not some lottery granted tat stocked with the best known games of the era. This museum would hold the best games which still stand up and are still entirely playable now. Which games would you put in there that you reckon even the kids of today...
  17. craigix

    Best/Worst Bugs you have found in games?

    I had a dream last night that I was perpetually stopped from completing a game due to absurd bugs. What odd bugs do you remember from classic games, or have any random strange bugs stuck you down in a game just once and never again?
  18. craigix

    Release The new website

    Because of the 1Ghz sales we didn't need to put this online yet, however I promised a few people I'd link it here anyway, some of you have seen this by now as it's been semi-common knowledge among people who regularly PM/MSN me. Note that it does not have the support/contact links and the...
  19. craigix

    We know we're busy... restructuring emails etc.

    Many of you know how busy we are, and it is evident with all the forum posts from people who are not getting email answers quite quick enough. We are planning to join up the German and UK email addresses in to one central account, for all general enquiries. We're also setting up a new phone...
  20. craigix

    This is now questions

    As we have had so many question threads (for more than 1 a week!) I've switched this to questions in general. Any general forum fun questions can go in here, eg 'Your first computer' etc. Mods, you can move the relevant threads here as you spot them.