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  1. W

    I Forgot How Good Doom Was...

    I haven't ran that one in about a year but it is soo, very good, definately makes doom new again
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    Divx Player

    could you not re-install it from the downloaded file, I kept my file safe, just incase
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    How To Edit Doom.wad

    you guys should have a look at a doom community that has links to lots of doom utils
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    Political Compass

    hmmm, interesting Economic Left/Right: -6.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
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    vice city

    strangely, it's the only game that made me want to pull out a gun a burst tires, or get killed and start again the world is going wrong, I fear the two groups, were heavily involved in drug warfare during the 80's when the game is set, so it's more like history, than current event, surely
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    Bbbc emu

    I'm looking forward to this one, repton oh yay please
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    GP32 On gamesville

    that sucks, useless bollocks, just goes to show how much the program has its head stuck up its arse fancy saying you'd better off with a gba at the end of the segment
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    Acorn Emulator

    there was something posted to but that was a while ago I would love a bbc micro emulator for the bbc, it was my first computer and the games were just so good, for the record, the bbc was faster than spectrum and c64 but because it was seen as an...
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    2 New videos of ThunderZ's 3d engine!

    all I can say is wow those vids show an amzing looking engine
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    has anybody got the european firmware?

    what are the differences between the firmawares, aside from the language and missing mp3 player nice avatar Andy mushroom mushroom
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    Has the GP32 been on that Gamezville program yet?

    I half watched a whole program the other day, I don't think there is any particular way that it sucks just that it does suck a lot, there are better programs that deal with games but gamesville to smacks of cheapness have they had any reviews of n-gage on it yet oh yes three words - game pad 3...
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    It's Official

    er but didn't hitler come from nothing to be chancellor of germany and then.... ..well we know the rest what a bad state american politics is in now
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    mortal kombat GP

    hehe, I liked it, will be very good indeed when it's finished :)
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    Can't install gp_launc.zpk

    using pc link, there's a menu item for installing zpk packs :)
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    sound recording

    I was wondering if there was a program to record sound using the speakers on a gp32 if not is this actually possible?
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    How do I use a different skin?

    "or it gets the hose again" "put the dog in the f'ing basket" :)
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    20/10/03 6.30pm Sky Channel 121...

    oh takeshi's castle rocks, some funny moments what about gamepad 3, I like that one when I catch it on bravo
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    GB/GBC Emu wip (VisualBoyAdvance)

    erm, I don't understand the logic behind those questions, it doesn't make any sense can gba play playstation or n64 games, no so then how can the gp32 not playing those games make it worse than the gba, we all know why the gp is a better system but saying its worse because it can't emulate...
  19. W

    Vote for your next Emulator wish!

    I'd also like to jack the thread with calls for a mame emulator, or at least emulators playing my favorite games BBC MICRO emulator this would be fantastic :)
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    What's your age?

    ok, sex with minors is illegal dude, now how old are you